Saturday, December 3, 2011

What In "HELL (Afghanistan)" Are We Doing?

We Americans have been fighting a hellish war in Afghanistan for over ten years, and this is what we have to show for all the blood, tears and heartache. I know! I know! There have been some “successes” we can point too, but they are minimal, short lived and certainly not worth dying for. 

The day our military pulls out, will be the day all the so called successes disappear. Completely vanish into the night, as though they never ever existed. When we finally remove the last of our American warriors islam will once again raises its ugly, evil, head, and resume savaging the people of Afghanistan more than before. The sin in what we have done in Afghanistan will then become obvious to all right thinking people. The sin of Americans fighting to save islam from its horrific, diabolical self – a task, which by definition, is absolutely impossible. 


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