Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I'm just saying.....

Dancing With the Stars?, NFL Football?, whatever? Don't be guilty of watching Rome burn. Below are the headlines of the morning (December 14, 2011), which should be occupying your attention. 

“I don’t think it could get worse for the party,” Oskar Niedermayer, a professor of political sociology at Berlin’s Free University, said in an interview on N-TV.
Merkel’s pro-business coalition partner has been skeptical about financing European bailout funds to aid indebted governments such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal. The FDP has seen its support plummet since forming a government with Merkel in October 2009, with poll numbers dipping below the 5 percent threshold needed to win seats in parliament.
“There are moments in which one has to make way to enable a new dynamic,” Lindner told reporters today in Berlin.
So, what to do?
Gold will tumble a little more due to margin calls. 
The same is true of silver. FORBES: Where is silver heading?
Be ready to buy when the margin call cycle is over.  FORBES: Where is silver heading?
I'm just saying.....

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