Saturday, December 24, 2011

Prologue to the Study of the Book of Revelation

A couple of weeks ago the Sunday school teacher of our adult Sunday school class hesitatingly suggested to the class as to whether anyone would like to delve into the study of the Book of Revelation. I say ‘hesitatingly’ because he immediately dismissed the idea that he was in any way a scholar or that he was even the person best capable of teaching such a class. Just the same, he did imply he had some interest in leading such a class, more as a facilitator than a teacher. He went on to point out to us as a class would learn together.

His suggestion was accepted almost unanimously. There was only one I am aware of who did not vote in the affirmative. That was the author of this blog. Neither did I vote in the negative. It isn’t that I don’t want or need to come to a better understanding of Revelation – I do, it is just that I have endeavored to do so many times to very little avail. I have listened to many (quote - un-quote) scholars and in doing so at some point came to realize no two scholars believed or taught the same thing. Oh, they were all dogmatic in what they taught, they just didn’t agree with any other teaching.

I can’t say I was disappointed in the class’s decision, because I’m always willing (when it comes to studying scripture) to jump in with both feet. Revelation has never been my first choice for a Bible study, but now that the decision has been made I am looking forward to hopefully gaining Holy Spirit inspired knowledge and understanding. The kind of knowledge and understanding I can hang my hat on.

All of the above being said, it is my intention to keep the readers of this blog informed as to what we discuss, agree on, disagree on, and come to a consensus on. It is the consensus part I look forward to. I’m not saying I am looking forward to agreeing to disagree. As for me it will always be one or the other.

Our first class will not begin until after the Christmas holidays – January 8th, 2012. Between now and then our teacher/facilitator has charged us with the reading of the first three chapters of Revelation. In my posts I will be dogmatic about those things I am convinced of as they relate to other books in the Bible. I will make it clear to the reader when I cannot come to an understanding or conviction when there is two or more points of view on a particular passage to be considered.

I am convinced these next weeks’s studying the Book of Revelation will be enlightening and fruitful. My prayer is I will have a mind open to the Holy Spirit, while sifting through the writings of John and the thoughts of men.

In this particular post today I only want to touch on the prologue; the first three verses of chapter one. The very first sentence makes it abundantly clear the importance God has place on the Book of Revelation. This verse tells us God initially gave the revelation to Jesus Christ and it was then called the revelation of Jesus Christ. God gave Jesus this revelation to show his servants (that would be those of us who confess Him as LORD) what would soon taking place.

Jesus in turn made this revelation known to all mankind by sending an angel to John (who was one of the Apostles) revealing to him the entire Book of Revelation. John testifies to everything he saw, and what he saw was the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

I find the final verse of this prologue inspiring, causing me to more than willingly jump with both feet right into the middle of this study. What’s not to get excited about, “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy …”?  There is no place in this quote that puts a prerequisite on understanding these prophetic words in order to participate in the blessing. No, just reading the words is enough to be blessed. Here we have an opportunity to receive God’s blessing simply by reading the words in the Book of Revelation. If getting blessed is not enough to motivate a believer then that believer needs to go back and start from scratch. Go back to the fundamentals of their faith and put the carnal into the subjection of the spirit.

There is more. We also have this quote “… and blessed are those who hear it …” Think about it. Not only are we believers blessed when we read the Revelation scriptures, but we will also be blessed when we hear it read or preached. Blessed either way – how great is that?

But the blessings go even a step farther. “… blessed are those who … … take to heart what is written in it” The reading and the hearing are obviously the easy parts to this three part blessing. Taking it to heart is another matter. This is where the revelation part becomes so very important. The only way to take part in this blessing is “take it to heart”. To “take it to heart”, it seems to me can only be accomplished when we spend a time diligently searching for the hidden truth in this Book of Revelation.

The prologues last line declares the most important reason for reading, hearing and taking to heart the revelation spoken by the angel to John. “[B]ecause the time is near”. How near is near? Only God knows. Jesus said to His disciples, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”  Paul wrote,”…  that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him.” To the extent I understand these two passages is the extent I understand what is meant by the “time is near”.


That is my way of saying I have no clue as to when the rapture will take place, which is what we are talking about here - I think. We have heard reference to the ‘signs of the times’ as to why we should believe the end is near. But then, of course, down through the ages believers have been convinced the current ‘signs of the times’ pointed to a soon return of Jesus in their day. With that said it is obvious the rapture has yet to take place - we are still here. Do the ‘signs of the times’ become more convincing as the decades and centuries roll on? Absolutely, they do. Today’s ‘signs of the times’ seem to indicate the rapture could take place at any moment. It may be before the year is out or maybe before the decade ends. Who knows? Only God knows.


Based on the events of today it would seem the end is near right now, but in no way can we be certain it will be today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year … What it does mean is “the time is near”. Yes, “the time is near”, but only God knows when. It seems to me, we should concentrate less on if the rapture will take place today, tomorrow or whenever, and instead concentrate more on being ready to meet our Savior when that day comes. My hope is not in the rapture – my hope is in Jesus Christ. The rapture may not be today…, but my Hope is. The timing may not be certain in my mind …, but my Hope is. I will hold onto my Hope and when the time comes I know I’ll be ready!

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