Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Did God Have A Wife?

Not according to the Bible. No! According to the Bible, the Living Word of God Himself, God not only did not have a wife, He specifically commanded the Israelites to worship no other gods except Him. When they did worship other gods, their relationship with Him was severed. But, through repentance, and because of God's loving-kindness, great mercy, and unimaginable grace their relationship would again be renewed....time and time again. 

Today our relationship with God the Father can be stronger (unbreakable) than the relationship He had with the Israelites. Today, when we: recognize we are sinners born into sin; believe Jesus Christ (God's Son) died for our sins; believe Jesus was raised from the dead allowing us to be justified by His resurrection, repent of our sins, and confess Him to be LORD over everything, we can have (unlike the Israelites) an unbreakable relationship with God Himself. 

We die and a new spirit is created. We become a new man; a righteous spirit. Righteous because we now are a spirit indwelt by the spirit of Jesus Himself, and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we are no longer 'sinners', but rather we are now 'saints'. Not perfected saints, but saints just the same. 

Now, when God looks on us, He does not see what He saw when He looked on the Israelites. He sees us with out sin. We have become a newly created spirit. New spirits that God only sees as righteous spirits (righteous men). 

Our new spirits are still living in old worldly bodies. But one day these old bodies will become glorified bodies, and we (new spirits in our new bodies) will live and reign with Him in a heavenly world absent of all things carnal. What a wonderful day that will be.

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