Monday, December 5, 2011

The Great Black Hole of Nothingness


Europe's entire Euro financial system will come apart and completely collapse before this year's Christmas holiday. Let's pick a date - December 15, 2011. The cascading implosion in Europe will almost immediately suck America's financial system into the great black hole of nothingness. So, what to do??

Take all your money out of all stocks... all 401k's... all IRA's (pay the penalty and have your money sent to your local bank account as soon as possible - do not use any of the national banks i.e. Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase, etc., etc.) It is very important to have all liquid assets moved into an account in your LOCAL bank.

This bank is to be used only as a temporary holding place. Once the money is in your local bank, then start spending it as fast as you can; on (guns - long guns and hand guns), ammunition (lots of it), drinking water (lots of it), dehydrated food (lots of it), fuel (lots of it), gold and more importantly silver, because silver, a hard asset, is always accepted as currency. If your car is not completely paid for, now is the time to pay it off - you are going to need to own your car.

What I am saying is, "All of your financial assets need to be converted into hard assets as quickly as possible." I am talking about assets you can physically touch and protect with your assault rifle.
I understand an ample supply of colloidal silver should also be in your possession for medical emergencies. You be the judge on that one.

I have no reason to believe this is the "End Times", but I do earnestly believe the America we now live in is coming apart. State secession's are just around the corner, and will be followed soon thereafter by all out civil war. 

Rich Huston - Dated December 5, 2011.

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