Friday, December 16, 2011

Are You Armed and Ready?

You are a law abiding citizen. You have no intention of committing a felony. You rely on your local police force to protect your life, your family’s lives, and your property. You’re safe. Right?
If you believe that, you are deluding yourself and you are the problem. Not the entire problem, but certainly a facilitator of the problem. “What is the problem?” The problem is that our American freedoms (the Bill of Rights to the Constitution of the United States) are being eroded at an alarming rate. The problem is the financial stability of our economic structure is about to collapse. Literally crumble beneath us as a building crumbles in an earth quake.

The world leadership, including our own federal government, very well realize the certainty of this coming event. They know this and many of the world leaders are actually planning and strategizing among themselves as to how to bring down the free world as quickly as they possibly can. The one main obstacle standing in their way (and they know it full well) is the Armed American People. Yes, it is the American people and their guns and their gold. It is the armed American people who now stand in the threshold to save our freedoms from the coming political and economical catastrophe.

Are you armed? What is your supply of ammunition, gold, silver, food, water, fuel…? Are your supplies adequate for survival? How about your skills?  If your answer is “NO” to any of these questions; if your answer is, “No, I am not really prepared for this battle”, then it is time to get prepared. Hopefully, there is still time – though the time is shorter than most people realize.

Or maybe you would rather surrender than engage in such a fight. So-be-it. You might be thinking ‘I don’t want to surrender if this conflict actually becomes a reality, but I’m really not that concerned about it - at least not concerned enough to go to the trouble of arming myself and buying all that stuff. So-be-it.

When the time comes and you’re not prepared, are you at least willing to go down in a blaze of gunfire defending all that you have.  If, under those circumstances, you would rather live than die. So-be-it.

You can be sure there are those of us who will die before we surrender, will die before we lose any more freedoms, and will die to protect our families. Yes, we will even die to protect your freedoms and your families.

War is Hell, and that which is coming will be Hell on earth. Make no mistake about that! It will not be unlike the Revolutionary War, Civil War, or either of the two World Wars.  It will be Hell on earth. I for one want to be ready, with God’s help, to blow the Hell out of Hell itself.

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