Friday, November 2, 2012

Christians, Where Is The Outrage?

In the past several months I have been increasingly critical of the Church. My criticisms have been primarily directed towards the Church's political-do-nothing attitude that continues to give away moral ground to an ever growing wicked and immoral government. The Lesser of Two Evils and America Is About To Get What America Deserves. As I ratcheted up my call for the Church to recognize its political, moral and spiritual responsibility to be more politically active and dare I say, militant, when need be, I have experienced some unexpected push-back. I shouldn't be surprised ... no Christian likes to be accused of being apathetic or appeasing towards evil. My hope is while they do their push-back they also begin to realize how culpable and complicate the Church has been in the moral decline of America's religious and social values.

A recent Luke Hamilton internet article, No Judgment! Selective Intolerance and the Atrophy of Virtuous Christian Outrage, begins with the sentence "In today's Christian community, it is nearly impossible to provoke outrage."  That one sentence sums up what I have been trying to convey in the posts I have written pertaining to what I see as Christian apathy. This past summer, when Chick-fil-A was making national headlines because of the company's support for traditional marriage, I wrote Chick-fil-A Makes Me Laugh and posted it on this blog. I wrote it because of my dismayed amusement towards the Church's exuberant willingness to stand up and defend a boycotted national restaurant chain by purchasing chicken sandwiches, and yet do almost nothing to end the ongoing murder of millions of babies.

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