Friday, October 5, 2012

The Commander-in-Chief Test

What Would You Do?

We're going to test your metal here, while at the same time, testing your knowledge of history. Every detail in every question is accurate and historically correct. So, if you were the Commander-in-Chief what would you do?

(No fair consulting your high school history book or calling up Oliver Stone, Michael Moore, Spike Lee, George Soros or other experts.)

(Take your time, a lot is at stake)


First question:

1.    You're George Washington in 1776.

2.    You've lost every battle you have fought thus far.

3.    The revolution seems to be going nowhere.

4.    Your spies tell you that the British officers are wintering in Trenton.

5.    You think the Hessian Germans, allies of the British, on the other side of the Delaware River are going to get falling-down drunk on Christmas Eve and sleep it off the next morning.

6.    The Germans are the world's best soldiers and they'll beat you if they're awake, sober or not.

7.    The Delaware River is full of ice, and your guys have no food or shoes.

8.    It is dark, raining, cold and dangerous crossing the river on small rafts.

9.    There are many New Jesuits are Tories in the area who might rat you out.

What would you do?

a.    Do you roll the dice to change the course of the war, figuring the Germans don't like fighting on Christmas?

b.   Or, do you wait for springtime rather than risk what little is left of the Continental Army?

Second Question:

1.   If you're Abe Lincoln in 1863, General Lee has crossed into the North, but no one knows where he's going.

2.   The Union Army has been beaten in most every battle so far, and if you lose on your own ground, the Union is likely lost to the South.

What would you do?

a.     Do you keep the Army away from Lee until he gets tired and heads back South?

b.    Do you send General Meade out looking for Lee even if they find that rascal in some cross-roads town in Pennsylvania called Gettysburg? 

Third Question:

1.   You are the duty officer in Honolulu, December 7, 1941.

2.   Headquarters had already advised you to expect a flight of American bombers from California that morning.

3.   Two soldiers, manning the newly invented radar, call to report a lot of blips on the screen.

What would you do?

a.     Do you sound the alarm to the fleet, and scramble the fighter planes and hope Rear Admiral Kimmel and General Short don't yell at you if you're wrong?

b.    Or, do you tell the radar guys their shift is ending anyway and not to worry about it?

Fourth Question:

1.   You are Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1939.

2.   You've received a letter from the famous quirky physicist, Albert Einstein, recommending the building an atomic bomb before the Nazis do.

3.   You are not yet involved in the war and have no idea what an atomic bomb is or what it will do.

What would you do?

a.     Do you ask Congress to study the matter and ask your intelligence operation to confirm if the Nazis are actually building one of these weapons themselves?

b.    Do you order secret development with money skimmed from other projects and hidden through phony congressional appropriations and call it the Manhattan Project? 

Fifth Question:

1.   You are Admiral Nimitz in 1942.

2.   Navy intelligence intercepted coded messages revealing Japanese plans to steal the American island of Midway.

3.   Intelligence also tells you the Japanese could be planning attacks elsewhere.

4.   You know controlling Midway would leave the door open elsewhere.

What would you do?

a.     Do you risk your aircraft carriers that escaped the Pearl Harbor attack knowing their loss would no U.S. Fleet in the Pacific?

b.    Do you try catching the Imperial Fleet with their kimono open and reverse the course of the war at Midway?

 Sixth Question:

1.    You are Dwight Eisenhower in June of 1944.

2.   Your weatherman tells you he sees a break in the bad    weather and a narrow window for your landing forces to get  on the beaches of Normandy.

3. You hope, but you can't confirm that allied disinformation has convinced Hitler the real invasion will be north.

What would you do?

a.     Do you risk a quarter million troops and the possibility of a stalemate in Europe?

b.    Do you say, "Let's go," rather than wait another month or two for D Day knowing there's no turning back?

Seventh Question:

1.   You are Dwight Eisenhower in December of 1944.

2.   Intelligence says the Germans are on the run.

3.   They're low on gasoline and ammo.

4.   Your men deserve a break, and many officers want to leave for Christmas in Paris.
5.   Seemingly the Germans can’t possibly break through that dense forest.

6.   Knowing what we know from test question number one, the Germans don’t like to fight on Christmas.

What would you do?

a.     Do you ignore the intelligence and figure that Hitler will try to catch you with your pants down and inflict on the American Army its worst-ever disaster?

Eight Question:
1.   You are Harry Truman in August of 1945.

2.   FDR's atomic bomb recommended by Einstein is tested successfully, and you only have two more of bombs ready to use.

3.   The scientists who built the bomb are opposing its use.

4.   Intelligence reports suggest the Japanese are starving and on their last legs ready to talk turkey.

5.   American bombers are already turning many Japanese cities into cinders.

What would you do?

a.     Do you secretly advise the Japanese they can surrender now before you drop the bomb?

b.    Do you drop the bomb and ask questions later?

Ninth Question:

1.   You are President Kennedy in the fall of 1962.

2.   The intelligence community gives you aerial photos they believe show Soviet missile installations built in Cuba.

3.   Intelligence does not know how close they are to being operational, whether they're armed with nuclear warhead or whether the crews and workers are actually Soviets.

What would you do?

a.     Do you go on TV and threaten mass evacuation,set up a naval quarantine risking World War III?

b.    Do you work behind the scenes at the UN?

c.     Do you get more information and try to convince the Soviets they've done the wrong thing?

Tenth question:
1.   In one month you are going to be elected the next president of the United States (the commander-in-chief.)

2.   You know about the recent and not so recent deadly attacks on Amricas resulting in the killing and wounding of both US military menand women and US civilian citizens.

3.   You know about the billions of dollars of federal aid money the United States has given islamic countries over many decades trying in an effort to civilize a barbaric and ignorant people

4.   You know about the deep desire islamic countries have is to wipe one of our closest allies off the face of the earth.

5.   You know islam is on the verge of having their own nuclear bombs and are threating to use them once they have them.

6.   You know, given the opportunity to do so, islam always carries out their past threats made against infidels and Zionist.

7.   You know islam is the scourge of the earth with one goal, which is to rule with the heavy hand of sharia law all people in every nation.

8.   You know full well, beyond any shadow of a doubt, there is only one way to stop the world wide onslaught of such a wicked and deadly ideology called islam.

What would you do?

a.     Do you continue to placate all the socialist nations in the world and socialist people in America by trying to find a “peaceful solution” to this hideous and diabolical problem?
b.    Do you look to all the world wide churches and missionaries to try to persuade the muslims of the world to convert to Christianity or at least disregard their koran and live at peace with the infidels of the world?
c.     Do you continue to look for diplomatic ways to cause Israel and all of its Middle Eastern neighbors to find lasting peace?

d.    Do you remove every muslim from all US governmental agencies, political offices, military ranks, civic and religious institutions and outlaw the practice of all activities islamic ideologies?

e.     Do you decide enough is enough and start blowing the hell out of one islamic stronghold after another, using the most powerful weapons at your disposal, until they totally surrender all that they have to the free world?

You may not know the correct answers to any of these questions, but choosing the correct answer to the tenth question is going to be one of the most important answers to get correct that has ever confronted any Commander-in-Chief going back almost 300 years of American history.

A clue to the answer to the 10th question can be found in the painting below.

You screw with us and we will cross an icy river in the dark just to 
kill you sleeping in your beds… on Christmas Eve!


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