Friday, November 23, 2012

Israel-Hamas War:

The Most Recent Chapter in the Clash of Civilizations

Algemeiner   November 23, 2012 1:39 PM

Israel’s battle against Hamas constitutes the most recent chapter in the clash of civilizations between Western democracies and Islamic terrorism. This battle highlights the role of the Jewish State, as the national security and high-tech beachhead of the US, in a region which is critical to vital US defense and commercial interests. The role of Israel as a national security and high-tech producer, for the US, is doubly pertinent at a time when the US is experiencing a military and economic contraction.

Israel is designated by Hamas, the PLO, as well as most Muslim/Arab regimes in the Middle East, as “The Little Satan,” due to its values and unconditional alliance with “The Big Satan,” the USA.  Israel confronts Hamas, which – just like the Arab Middle East – is increasingly dominated by the intolerant, supremacist 7th century aspects of Islam. The 2012 Arab Street in Gaza, Ramallah and throughout the Middle East is growing more Islamic and less democratic.  Contemporary Middle East Muslim societies embrace Jihad (Holy War), execution of apostates, “honor killing” of women by their own relatives and the genital mutilation of (90% of young Egyptian) women. While Western democracies cherish life, Hamas and the PLO consecrate Shuhada – martyrdom and suicide bombing – and the virulent use of human shields.

Unlike Western democracies, Hamas, the PLO and the Arab Middle East enshrine hate-education and fanatic bigotry towards the “infidel” Christian, Jew, Buddhist or Muslim of different persuasion.  Contrary to the ideal of peaceful co-existence, Hamas, and Islam at-large, intend to bring Muslims and all “infidels” to total spiritual and physical submission (the root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender).”  Therefore, Middle East Arab/Muslim regimes consider the lifeline of democracy – freedom of expression/criticism, religion, speech, press and political association – a lethal threat. The Middle East has never experienced Muslim democracy during the last 1,400 years.

Israel is urged to conclude an agreement with Hamas, a serial violator of prior agreements with Israel and with fellow Arab/Muslim organizations.  Moreover, the culture of compliance is foreign in the Middle East, which has not experienced intra-Muslim compliance with most intra-Muslim agreements for the last 1,400 years.  It is a culture that reveres the 7th century Muhammad’s Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, stipulating that treaties are not in perpetuity. Treaties may be violated – in order to achieve the overriding goal of bringing enemies to submission – upon amassing sufficient power to overcome the enemy. The non-compliant nature of the Middle East has most recently been highlighted by the violent abrogation of political and social accords on the Arab Street.

Israel, the only Western democracy in the Middle East, an unconditional ally of the USA, is confronted by the non-democratic Palestinians who aligned themselves with America’s enemies: Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, North Korea, Hugo Chavez, Khomeini, the Communist Bloc and Nazi Germany, as well as with America’s rivals: Russia and China.

Israel has been the role model for countering-terrorism, facing the PLO, Hamas and Hezbollah, which have been the role model for international terrorism and anti-US terror organizations in Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Israel’s power projection contributes to the stability of pro-US Arab regimes, threatened by anti-US rogue and terrorist regimes. For example, the 1967 Israeli devastation of the pro-Nasser of Egypt, aborted the latter’s attempt to topple the House of Saud. In 2012, Israel’s posture of deterrence bolsters Jordan’s pro-US Hashemite regime. The Hashemites are currently threatened by the surging trans-national anti-US Muslim Brotherhood, the “parent” organization of Hamas, which is using Russian-manufactured military systems, supplied by Iran through the anti-US Sudan.

A strong Israel extends the strategic hand of the US in the Middle East, at a time when Arab allies of the US are increasingly threatened by Hamas-like terrorists. On the other hand, a stronger Hamas or PLO would deepen the penetration of Russia, China and North Korea into the Middle East.

Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas terrorism highlights Israel’s added-value to the US national security and economy via the “Iron Dome” air defense system. The ground-breaking Israeli-developed “Iron Dome,” which is co-financed with the US, will be eventually employed by the US and its allies, such as South Korea and India, which face the threat of low-level missiles. The Iron Dome and medium-level air defense systems are systematically developed and upgraded by the battle-tested, time-efficient and cost-effective Israeli laboratory, which is at the disposal of the US.  They will be co-manufactured by the US and Israel, expanding employment, research and development and the export base of the US.

This Israel-Hamas confrontation underscores the broad implications of Israel’s national security challenges.  It underlines the mutually-beneficial, win-win US-Israel defense and commercial relationship at this time of strain on the US budget.

This article originally appeared in Israel Hayorn.

Read more about the history of History of Israel & ”Palestine”

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