Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chick-fil-A Makes Me Laugh

Is this Chick-fil-A controversy where we as Bible believing Christians finally draw the line?
 Probably not. I can’t help but reflect on all of the anti-Biblical reforms on which the Church has not been willing to draw the preverbal line in the sand. Instead the Church seems to have been more than willing to sit on their collective hands, pacifier in mouth and watch for years (decades actually) the un-Constitutional and un-Biblical reforms go unchallenged and one-by-one become the law of the land.

What reforms could I possibly be talking about? Where do I start?

To my knowledge contraception has never been illegal throughout most of the United States, but if it had been it would have become one of the first legal moral issues to fall by the wayside. Law or not, by the wayside it has gone. It was once considered to be a sinful practice for Christians to engage in artificial contraception. And then along came the pill. Yes, that wonderful pill, which allowed we the Church to prevent the births of millions of babies to be born into loving, Bible grounded, God loving homes. This wonderful pill also allowed unmarried fornicators to fornicate at will, without fear of unwanted pregnancies.  Because of this diabolical pill the Church jumped at the chance to stop having children, all for the sake of being able to afford a lifestyle better geared to their own carnal pursuits.

Furthermore, the moral societal foundation of a man and a woman having sexual relations only after becoming husband and wife is now no longer the norm. As a Church we could have drawn a ‘line in the sand’ way back then, but the convenience was just too tempting? After all, contraception was already legal in most locations throughout the United States. So why not go along? Why not sanction contraception? Why not take advantage of contraception?  What harm could there be? For the most part the Church, not only quickly began stepping across the ‘no contraception line in the sand’, but soon quit drawing the line altogether.

When prayer in secular schools became illegal the Church folded like a cheap paper bag vividly demonstrating the sniveling cowards they were; who were more afraid of their government than they were of God Almighty. As cowards they not only did not do what was necessary to put prayer back into the schools, but they made very little effort to remove their children from the godless government funded public school system. The Church was not willing to insist on returning prayer to public schools and even worse they were not willing to remove their children from what has ever increasingly become a cesspool of all sorts of heathen doctrine.

Ah! Then came 1972. Roe vs Wade became the law of the land. Law, not because our elected congressional representatives voted to make it legal to kill our babies, but rather because a wicked court said it was legal to slaughter unborn children at will. Surely, the Church would put a stop to such an horrifically evil practice – you would think. But no, the Church did not do squat, and as a result millions and millions and millions of babies have been legally butchered at the altar of a woman’s right to choose. Furthermore the Church could not even agree to stop paying taxes to a government now sanctioning this leagalization of abortion. Neither was the body of Christ willing to take to the streets with a weapon in hand to be the defender of the most defenseless. Oh yes, a few knuckleheads did try to remedy the situation by taking out an abortion clinic or doctor here and there, but the Church itself (may I repeat myself) did not do squat to save one baby once the decision was made to end its life.

The growing list of moral decadent practices now being entertained, if not outright accepted and promoted by the church, is astounding. One might wonder (if one really cares) whether or not this Church will ever stop its own self-destructive slide into the pit of hellish surrender before it is too late. When will this Church learn to fear God more than they fear “the man”? When will this Church stop supporting a wicked and vile government determined to lead the people of this country over a cliff of complete and total destruction?

I have laugh at the so called ‘line in the sand’ supposedly drawn by some Christians over this Chick-fil-A controversy, as though this time the Church really mean business. My friend, Christians will never really mean business until thy come to understand it is either us or them, baby. Until we see entire congregation’s and entire denominations deciding to lock and load, deciding to take back the streets, deciding to take back the neighborhoods, deciding to take back the institutions and the governments that once made America the most powerful nation the world has ever known, then we will know the Church has once again begun to walk down the road of righteousness. Then, and only then, will I no longer laugh at this “Church” and its feeble efforts to preserve and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After all, one has to wonder how effective we as a Church can be at winning the lost to Christ, when we make no attempt to slow down what has become a fast train to moral decadency; when we cower in fear, complacent to the moral destruction of this country, complacent to the ongoing and unchecked sinfulness surrounding us on every flank.

When one is not willing or not capable of praying their way to a swift and overpowering victory, then they should be willing to take the next step; and that is to fight for what is right. Willing or not, it will soon be "fight or surrender".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking to the past can bring a lot of things to mind of what I should have done in my own life as well as what the state or country should have done. But what is your answer to the future?

Just saying we should fight - fight where? We should arm ourselves - and shoot who? We should rebel - starting where and doing what?

It is easy to see the wrongs of the past, but what we need is solutions for the future, something to build upon. So if we find a problem we should find a solution too, otherwise it is rhetoric and grumbling, kind of like your stomach growling and nothing tangible to feed it - and as time goes by it gets louder and painful, but unless something is given to be able to digest - its still an unsatisfied hunger growl.

There are many politicians who speak and do nothing, promises that are not fulfilled and suggestions of things to do knowing full well they will be voted down in the congress, house, or senate but they can say they brought it up. But - how different are the ones who blog or post or insight others.

True - most of us want change, but we need an intelligent tangible plan of attack to overcome the obstacles and then a plan b, c, etc.

Also the plans for retreat, escape and safe houses etc. must be considered if going to battle. Who does this planning? Do we get volunteers and meet somewhere and everybody who shows up gets to say what goes on, or do we vote for the ones we feel are the most level headed and who have sound minds and good reasoning ability to lead the attack? Do only those in the meeting vote or are we also going to open the voting to the ones who are going to be affected or involved but can't make the meeting?

In the past we rebelled and had a civil war that was all but civil. Hundreds of thousands of Americans were killed. What was the reason?
No really - look up the history of why we went to war against our selves - and consider how many people died for that reason. Was it worth it? Or could we have just separated and continued on?

When we consider rebellion and civil unrest and government overthrow - consider the cost too.