Monday, August 13, 2012

Stand Up For God, and Stop Being Nice

Ann Barnhardt recently put a post on her blog titled To Hell with “Nice”. To Hell with It. She once again demonstrates her absolute disgust with many of today’s leaders in the Catholic Church. As she has done many times before, she rails against Cardinal Dolan in particular. This time her focus of contempt is because of Dolan's invitation to President Obama asking him if he would attend the annual Al Smith Foundation gala this fall.

Barnhardt’s understanding of the Holy Scriptures is in many instances much different than mine; she’s a fundamental Roman Catholic and I’m a fundamental Pentecostal Protestant. That aside she, along with two or three others, has inspired me to take a good look at what the Church, the Bride of Christ, has become over the last 50 or 60 years. Certainly there’s nothing much to be proud of. I have documented several times in this blog some of the immoral practices that have long been accepted by the world and now are being accepted out right and even promoted by the Church. Yes, the Church ever increasingly looks the other way as one sinful practice after another creeps into the very fabric of our American culture. Check that: "Creeps" is no longer the applicable descriptive verb. Creeps has now become an out right stampede to do evil at every turn.

It is time for a militant Church to stand up and begin battling these forces of evil.  That battle of course begins with making sure one’s own self is right with God; remains in constant prayer; and is willing to do whatever it takes to win this battle. In other words stop trying to be “nice”.  No one will ever claim victory by being nice. It is time to stand up for God, and stop being "nice".

Being nice is about as profitable as a government entitlement program supposedly designed to help those in need, but instead nice does nothing more than to ensure the needy stay in bondage to a corrupt government. Being nice can take a person down a road of destruction to which there is no return. Being nice can and will result in eternal damnation totally separated from God. After all God is not a nice God. God is not preparing a crown for the nice people. I’m sure that I am not going too far out on a limb when I say “No one nice lives in heaven. Actually, there is nothing nice about heaven. No, God is not a nice God, and Jesus Christ is not a nice savior or intercessor. Nice will destroy your efforts to serve a living God. Nice will get you killed. Nice will send you to Hell.

A couple of years ago or so, Barnhardt filmed a YouTube video of herself explaining what being nice really means. In the process she educated those of us who watched, on just how wrong being nice is. Watch and listen.

And now we have a new video by Michael Voris’ speaking on one of his recent Church Militant videos hammering on the Church’s current leadership and showing his discust with Christians who would rather be nice than be right with God.

Yes, I know, both Ann Barnhardt and Michael Voris are Catholic, and am a Protestant. I also know they read, study, understand and are passionate about God's Word more than most other Catholics or Protestants. As much as I admire these two Catholic laymen sincere desire to turn both the Church and America itself back towards God, I do hold to many of the obvious differences found in Protestant doctrines compared to the doctrines neld by Catholics. Banhardt and Voris both have a unique ability to speak plainly and articulately. I'm sure there are Protestant laymen who do also - there has got to be. I just haven't ran across them yet. When I do I will reference them in my blogs to come.

There is a  Protestant pastor I like to bring to my readers attention from time to time. Now is one of those times. Pastor Doug Giles, a plain spoken an unorthodox speaker, is preaching to a group of men in South Florida.

Those Christians who are waiting on the rapture, rather than standing up against rampant wickedness and powers of darkness currently smothering every righteous aspect of today's American culture, are in the way. They are trying to be nice, but their niceness has put them in the way. If that is you, my brother - my sister, STOP IT. STOP BEING NICE OR GET OUT OF THE WAY. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE JUST GET OUT OF THE WAY!

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