Monday, August 6, 2012

The Only Cost Too High Is Surrender

Anonymous’ recent comment to my post Chick-fil-A Makes Me Laugh

Looking to the past can bring a lot of things to mind of what I should have done in my own life as well as what the state or country should have done.  But what is your answer to the future? 

Just saying we should fight - fight where?  We should arm ourselves - and shoot who?  We should rebel - starting where and doing what? 

It is easy to see the wrongs of the past, but what we need is solutions for the future, something to build upon.  So if we find a problem we should find a solution too, otherwise it is rhetoric and grumbling, kind of like your stomach growling and nothing tangible to feed it - and as time goes by it gets louder and painful, but unless something is given to be able to digest - its still an unsatisfied hunger growl. 

There are many politicians who speak and do nothing, promises that are not fulfilled and suggestions of things to do knowing full well they will be voted down in the congress, house, or senate but they can say they brought it up.  But - how different are the ones who blog or post or insight others. 

True - most of us want change, but we need an intelligent tangible plan of attack to overcome the obstacles and then a plan b, c, etc. 

Also the plans for retreat, escape and safe houses etc. must be considered if going to battle.  Who does this planning?  Do we get volunteers and meet somewhere and everybody who shows up gets to say what goes on, or do we vote for the ones we feel are the most level headed and who have sound minds and good reasoning ability to lead the attack?  Do only those in the meeting vote or are we also going to open the voting to the ones who are going to be affected or involved but can't make the meeting? 

In the past we rebelled and had a civil war that was all but civil.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans were killed.  What was the reason?

No really - look up the history of why we went to war against our selves - and consider how many people died for that reason.  Was it worth it?  Or could we have just separated and continued on?

When we consider rebellion and civil unrest and government overthrow - consider the cost too.

My reply back to Anonymous:

My point is that if the entire Church would have drawn the line years ago there would be no battle to fight, but the Church didn't and it has now come down to whoever is most prepared to jerk a pistol. Like it or not that day is coming. It doesn't have to be that way. If the Church would finally decide to take back all that has been stolen from it there is a possibility the fight could be done without firing a shot. I point out that being prepared to jerk a pistol and having to actually do it is two totally different things.  You can be sure they will point the gun at anyone unwilling to conform and they will pull the trigger in a heartbeat.
I would be much more encouraged and less harsh if I could see the Church rise up in defense of a something a little more substantive than a chicken sandwich business. It’s strange the Church is willing to spend money at a business establishment just to make a point, but at the same time unwilling to withhold money from a government hell-bent the killing defenseless human lives almost immediately after they have been created by God.

I am not saying we (the Church) should fire the first shot. But we should be involved in civil disobedience on such a very large scale, that the government would both back down and allow sanity to be brought back into government, or they would feel compelled to fire the first shot. Should they do the later rather than the former, I for one will return fire. I am not willing to surrender to islam and neither am I willing to surrender to communism. I have no desire to be a part of a Church who is willing to do either, and I believe neither does Jesus Christ. We as a country have struggled and fought too hard and too long to let a bunch of ungodly bastards order us to accept every sort of unimaginable, evil, and cowardly way of life they can concoct.

This is no longer just a simple exchange of different ideas between political parties. It is no longer just a choice between ideolgies that may be more acceptable to liberals than conservatives or vice versa. I wish that were true, but instead we are now in a struggle between absolute evil and total righteousness. Evil, by its own definition, will kill anything/anyone perceived to be an obstacle in what evil wants to do.

You asked an interesting question about the Civil War and if it was necessary to fight. The answer is found in another question “did the more righteous side win or not.” Had the North not been willing to fight, thousands of slaves would have never received their freedom. (I know the war was officially over states’ rights – a concept I champion, but let’s look at the results.) These are people who had every right to be a free people. Because the North won the war, the door was opened to liberty for all. Last month I had a post, which I highly recommend to anyone who is frozen like the preverbal deer in the headlights, titled Preserving Liberty – The Price Is Always Paid With Blood.  Blood is the currency used to purchase and preserve liberty, and the longer it takes to start making the payment the more costly it becomes.

Where to start, you ask. I have written many posts on my blog outlining some of the things a courageous Church would be doing to ward off all the evil we are being forced to accept. Heres a list of where to begin.

1.     Start having more children as God intended,

2.     stop paying taxes God never intended us to pay,

3.     start educating children in a Christian environment,

4.     stop paying taxes God never intended us to pay,

5.     march by the millions on abortion facilities wherever they operate (I’m saying stand in the door way and prevent any possible chance of a baby being killed),

6.     stop paying taxes God never intended us to pay,

7.     march by the millions against gay marriages,

8.     stop paying taxes God never intended us to pay,

9.     start teaching the Word of God and stop tolerating unholy conduct in the church.

Reviewing the list one might think I am preoccupied with paying taxes. If so, they are thinking wrong. I have repeated the tax thing over and over because it is the thing that is something every God-fearing Christian can do. When this tactic of civil disobedience is exercised by millions of citizens it will bring the government to its senses about as fast as any other type of civil disobedience I could suggest. I can’t think of a more intelligent “tangible plan of attack”.

There will be no plan to retreat, escape or anything of the sort. I do not ask for volunteers. I ask for the Church to stand and be heard. I weigh rebellion, civil unrest and government overthrow against surrender – I have considered the cost, and the only cost too high is surrender.

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