Friday, August 17, 2012

If The Time Is Not Now, It Is Near

I have never been a conspirator. So I don't think I'll start being one know. Having said that I can't help but believe - check that - I am convinced something is up. The old saying is, "All good things come to an end." As far as what the World has to offer I would have to argue that is probably true. 

The American experiment has been one of those good things that appear to be coming to an end. I don't want to become an "alarmist" any more than I want to be a “conspirator", but it is time for all "alarmist" who are concerned about the freedom that has been provided by the Constitution of the United States of America coming to an end. 

For those of us who refuse to stick our heads in the sand any longer, it is time to stand up and speak with a loud clear voice that we believe the end is near. Not the end of the world, nor Armageddon, or any other end time scenario outlined in the Bible. I have no idea if the "end times” written about by the prophets in both the Old and New Testaments will happen any time soon. If I knew that to be true, I would be much less concerned. As a matter of fact I wouldn't be concerned at all. That’s because I look forward to the day Jesus returns for his Bride. I am in the camp that believes the sooner He returns the better. But I remain no more convinced our LORD will return in the near future than I do in another thousand years, or anytime in between. I just don’t know.

It is because I don't have a personal conviction as to what Bible scholars are teaching in regards to the books of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, etc. that I am going to hope for the Rapture and prepare for the future. Once all the so called end time scholars start to fall into any sort of end time agreement (fat chance) I might take them a little more seriously. But scholars or no scholars, more and more each day the clarity of vision concerning what has been happening and what is about to happen reveals to me it is time to prepare for what just a few short years ago was unthinkable - the fall of the United States government. Ironically it has become the responsibility of the people of good will to rise up and end our "Great Experiment". Only a few of us will accept that responsibility and do what will soon have to be done. The advisories will be the ones to fire the first shot or in some other unlawful action start the conflict. We will be the ones to return fire. Should that endeavor of the few be successful, it will just as necessary for those same revolutionaries to start a new experiment geared towards freedom and liberty for all.

Those of us living today who love America and all the liberity it has provided to all freedom loving people these past 237 years never ever thought in our worst nightmares that we would be the ones who one day would be called upon to scrap the whole thing, and then be required to put in place a whole new republic – that is until now. Unfortunately, there are many Americans who refuse to believe the time is near. There are others who recognize the signs (the writing on the wall) but yet refuse to accept the reality of what they see, and make no effort to educate themselves or prepare them for the pending conflict. It is that sad reality that creates a political atmosphere which will require such an uprising.

Should all civic minded Americans, all church attending Americans, all Godly Americans stand together in unison demanding the Constitution be returned to America as the law of the land, then there would be no need for a revolution. Unfortunately, fat chance. Therefore the road we as a country, as a church have already traveled down has taken us to the point of no return. It has become clear to me, barring some God induced miraculous intervention of awareness and preparedness to come over the citizenry of Americans, the inevitability of the conflict is near.

Despite the rough economy over the past several years, despite the high numbers of unemployed, despite the amount of debt held by governments and individuals, and despite a whole host of other discouraging indicators most people in America are still living the good life. For the most part it is “those people” who are the people of good will, it is “those people” who do not want to face the reality of the unthinkable, and it is “those people” who continue to keep their collective heads in the sand. It is because of “those people” a few people will be forced to take on the responsibility of doing battle in their behalf. That’s not to say that once the first shot is fired there won’t be a few of “those people” who will join the fight, but if history is any guide the numbers will be small.

The one thing no people will ever be able to say is that they weren’t warned. They may not have been listening, but they have been warned. The warnings have not come from the media, or the clergy, or the politicians, or the educators, or the entertainers, or the financial institutions. The warnings are not coming from those who are now most vocal in our society, but none the less the warnings are out there and they are loud and clear to all who will listen.

As it is, Americans for the most part are not listening to the clarion call. They are not listening, because they are too busy living the good life, and don’t have or aren't willing to take the time to be informed. The information is out there. And for some it could be that the information has started right here right now with this blog.

Unfortunately for those who began reading this post (many of which were quickly side tracked and didn’t made it through the first paragraph or two) are mostly still unconcerned. I will fight for them as well as for my family and my country. I believe God expects nothing less. 

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