Thursday, July 19, 2012

To Whom Do We Pray

The problem is we worship financial markets, entertainment, and materialism.

The problem is we no longer recognize our responsibility in controlling our own government.

The problem is we willingly look the other way, while babies are being slaughtered,

The problem is we willingly look the other way, while 90% of all inner-city children have no father.

The problem is we willingly look the other way, while our own children's education is saturated with Marxist ideology.

The problem is we willingly look the other way, while our young men and women are fighting and dying, or coming home with mangled bodies and minds, for a war we will never win.

The problem is we habitually talk about prayer in order to placate our pacifistic attitudes towards actually doing the right thing towards changing our society, our church or our government.

The problem is we would rather watch television than march in a parade for the cause of righteousness.

The problem is we would rather pay taxes to a wicked and unholy government, than go to jail.

The problem is we would rather argue, bicker, and find fault with Christian denominations other than our own.

The problem is that we would rather be "nice' people. (in no way is that a virtue)

The problem is we are willing to defend evil, while our liberty is eroding away.

The problem is our devotion to Wall Street, Politics, Government, Ideology, Religion, Entertainment, and ultimately our Self.

The problem is with us!

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