Thursday, July 5, 2012

Natural Law vs The Supreme Court and A Culture Aligned Against Christ

The following video pertains to Natural Law. In wake of the recent Supreme Court's decision, Michael Voris describes the relationship between Natural Law and manmade laws. 

I have included a transcript of this video just below my written thoughts. Please take careful note of the portions of the text I have typed in both bold black print and bold red print. Voris is a staunch conservative Catholic and he speaks from that persuasion. I am a conservative Protestant and yet I believe much, if not most, of what Voris says in this video also applies to conservative Protestant Christians.  

People of both doctrines have over time yielded there once strong core Bible based values to an ever growing crowd, who more and more choose to align themselves with the culture of the anti-Christ and they worship at the altar of the anti-Christ’s socialistic ideology. They fear government more than they fear God. They are no longer willing to sacrifice their worldly belongings for a freedom that only God can give.

Both Catholics and Protestants (and let’s include many of Jewish people, also) of America have been duped into putting their faith in a deceiving government which propagates the lie of being a benevolent provider for any who bow down and relinquish all liberties long provided to them by both the Bible and the Constitution of the United States. I am not the final judge, but I cannot believe any of these people now being deceived by these lies are now a part of the kingdom of God here on earth, nor without ever having a repentant heart will they ever be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven to spend eternity with God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

The Vortex

Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed…

I’m Michael Voris.

When will people who believe in God ... as in the One and Only God ... Jesus Christ ... stop learning to put their trust in princes? Once again ... the Supreme Court has dealt a blow to Judeo-Christian morality in advancing a takeover of health care by the federal government which includes payments for killing children and contraception and sterilization etc.

The High Court is comprised of nine jurists 6 of whom are Catholic and 3 of whom are Jewish … so if you were EVER gonna expect a Judeo-Christian outcome ... it would be now. Ah, but no such hope. The Catholic Vote split 4-2 and the Jewish vote was a unanimous lock 3-0 in favor of institutionalized health care paid for killing and sexual immorality. Catholics ... and other religious people of a conservative bent ... have bought the line that all we have to do is band together and join our efforts to a one party and from within change the system. What Catholics have failed to notice is that the culture has changed so much that you can no longer put your trust in princes ... as if you ever really could.

The culture is aligned against Christ. Period. Even on the high court ... a kind of de facto legal mindset has seized hold where the justices perceive themselves to be the determiners of law without respect to any higher law ... NATURAL LAW specifically.

This political climate ... judges ... lawmakers ... presidents absolutely reject the notion that law derives from anyone except them. Even when they hypocritically demure the Constitution and the principles enshrined in the founding documents ... they know that they are the final interpreters of that and can throw those original principles overboard at will conjuring up whatever legal voodoo they can imagine. For example ... Obamacare isn’t constitutional because it is an overreach of the Commerce Clause ... sooooooo ... let’s make it legal as a TAX. Yea. That’s the ticket.

If you want to see an absolute repudiation of natural law in the political elite ... you need look no further than the judiciary committee hearings for Clarence Thomas when he was being questioned following his nomination to the Supreme Court. Right on Biden’s heels came another Catholic Senator Patrick Leahy also fulminating that Thomas’ holding of natural law was not welcome in Washington DC.

But natural law is the law from which all man made laws must derive or they are immoral. Natural law speaks of OBJECTIVE TRUTH ... meaning there is a truth to which man made law must bow. Religious liberty for example does not flow from the state .. it flows from the very nature of man .. just as the right to life does. But both these rights have been shoved aside by jurists and lawmakers and even been redefined.

Justice Kennedy wrote 20 years ago ... as he was defending the practice of killing children in the womb in the Casey vs. Planned Parenthood ruling  ... “at the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” There you have it. A total repudiation of objective truth … right from the mouth of a US Supreme Court justice.

Imagine ... a right to define one’s own concept of existence ... as if there was objective concept of existence? Imagine ... so in this strain of thought ... exactly what was so wrong with what Joseph Stalin did as he slaughtered millions of his own countrymen to hold on to and consolidate his power?

Imagine that we get to define the mystery of human life. Philosophical error by the way there ... if you define the mystery for yourself ... its no longer a mystery. For Catholics and their leaders to continue to play in this swamp of begets a great naïveté that things can change simply by pursuing the political process. The process has been pursued for decades and things only get worse. And that includes when people are elected you would think would be allies. We should never forget this ... it was the single vote of REPUBLICAN senator Olympia Snowe from Maine who passed the Obamacare legislation out of the Senate Committee and on to the full floor for the vote where it passed in a democratic controlled senate.

So for all the caterwauling by republicans about evil Obama ... it was one of their own that was instrumental in making this happen. For Catholic bishops who took the position  ... and still do ... that the federal government should be the dispenser of universal health care ... abandoning in the process the Catholic social teaching of subsidiarity ... they are reaping what they sowed.

Remember ... it was a nun … million dollar salary Sr. Carol Keehan who stood there receiving one of the signing pens from Obama after giving permission to a small group of Catholic congressmen to vote yes in the US House thus propelling the bill further along the path to becoming the law it is today. None of these paid the slightest attention to the natural law. And the concept of natural law has been so degenerated that few people even know that such a thing even exists ... much less what it is or how to articulate it.

In short ... when applied to politics ...

Natural law is the over-riding principle that says slavery is wrong and immoral and evil EVEN if a President or Congress or Supreme Court says it’s ok.

Natural law is the over-riding principle that says killing children in the womb is wrong and immoral and evil even if a President or Congress or Supreme Court says it’s ok.

Natural Law is the over-riding principle that says legitimizing sodomy and endowing it with the same legal protections as marriage is wrong immoral and evil even if a President or Congress or Supreme Court says it’s OK.

Catholics are beholding to man-made law
ONLY when it squares with the Natural Law
         which finds ITS basis in Divine Law.

It comes down to the adage ... we obey God before man. The problem in the Catholic body politic today is the refutation of Natural Law by the elitist crowd in DC and the nation’s law schools hasn’t been recognized or admitted by Catholic leaders ... both clergy and lay.

You cannot keep going back to Caesar pleading your case when Caesar despises you.

Another avenue must be found.

GOD Love you...

I’m Michael Voris.

Back to my thoughts: Voris suggests Catholics (I am going to include all Christians who fear God and not government) must find another avenue. We must yield to Divine Law only, which provides for Natural Law, which provides the United States Constitutional Law. In my view, that other avenue will take place only through prayer, preparation, a fear of God and not man, and a willingness to sacrifice one’s own fortune and one’s own life for the liberty of all.

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