Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Black American Flag, Flown In Distress, Is My Flag Now.

The Black American Flag, flown in 
distress, is my flag now.
                                        -  Ann Barnhardt

I am curious as to how many Christians in America are willing to go to war over the SCOTUS’s ObamaCare decision rendered last week. I write this blog knowing most will never read it. But to the few who do, let me ask the following question.

“Is now the time for all freedom loving Americans to wage an all out civil war over the horrible, horrible ruling SCOTUS rendered last week upholding ObamaCare?” I direct this question to all American followers of Jesus Christ. It is obvious to me a war is the only remaining method to repeal Obamacare, so should we?; do we fight? Last week’s talk, from all the so called conservative politicians pertaining to the decision ruled by the high court, has made it very clear there will be no congressional repealing of this law.

If your answer is (“No to war, the prevention of the ongoing destruction of our freedom and our country is not worth fighting for. No to war, the fight to save the lives of all the unborn babies being killed every day is just not worth losing one life long worldly accumulations over. No to war the fight to prevent the destruction of marriage is just not worth losing ones life over. Then the answer "NO" can only mean I will fear government more than will I fear the God the Bible; therefore a real war is just not worth the cost.”). If that is your answer, then you no longer deserve to a life of liberty.

I will never understand cowardly people who willingly send men and women into islamic countries to die while fighting to save and perpetuate a people’s godless way of life, and yet in no way are they themselves willing to fight a battle in their own country to save their own freedoms; such as the freedom to serve the one true living God. People, listen to me, "Don’t fear your government more than you fear your God. Don’t think for one moment our government leaders will eventually do the right thing. Far, far, far more often than not doing the wrong thing has been the decision in the last 65 going on 70 years of American politics."

For those of you, who are still reading this blog, let me suggest you continue to read the following excerpts taken from Ann Barnhardt’s writings in her own blog over the last several days.


Bottom line: since I fully understand and accept that the Republic is dead and the Constitution is no longer in force, and that the Rule of Law is dead, nothing surprises me.

Mark Levin said this morning that the SCOTUS decision was "lawless." Well, no kidding, Mark. The Republic is dead, and has been for quite some time now. What do you expect? What is it going to take for people to acknowledge objective reality?

Now to Romney and all of you rah-rah Tea Party people. If you think for ONE SECOND that Romney will ever, ever repeal any of this, then you are truly dumber than the people who voted for Obama in the first place, and I'm not being facetious. Romney wrote ObamaCare's template in Massachusetts, including a mandate, including state-funded abortion. Romney has said over and over and over again while running for POTUS that he is 100% in favor of a mandate. 

Which circles us back to the root problem of personal integrity in this nation. We are a nation of godless cowards and self-worshiping trash, and we will have the government we deserve as such.

Why do I bother saying anything at all? Because I want there to be some sort of digital record showing that not every single person in this godforsaken country was a coward and an imbecile. I don't want the people who are living on this continent ten or twenty years from now to be able to whine and deflect responsibility for their sorry, sorry state by claiming that "no one ever told us" or "no one ever explained anything to us." No, you were told. You were warned. And it wasn't just me doing the warning and explaining. You will accept your suffering in SILENCE. You will blame nothing and no one except YOURSELVES. You will own the tyranny that you live under, because you begged for it. You bought it with your own stupidity, and you nurtured it with your own squealing cowardice.


It isn’t just Lindsey Graham that is a stupid, stupid jackass. If you’re buying any of this, “Everything’s fine! We actually WON on ObamaCare, and Roberts is a genius!” jackassery, then go look in the mirror and behold the Sombrero of all Asshats.

Are you detecting ire? Are you getting the sense that I’m just a LITTLE pissed off? It’s one thing to watch a bunch of godless, drug-addled, moloch-worshiping Marxist dumbasses spew mental diarrhea, but to have to sit and watch pretty much everyone on the right do the same thing is just too much. Do you people not have functioning brains? Is there truly no capacity for any intelligent thought or the ability to recall and parse objective facts and evidence? Really?

Let’s start with an analogy. Defending this week’s SCOTUS decision is directly analogous to the following:

Ann’s Omelet Recipe
1. Gather every egg in your kitchen. Throw them all down the garbage disposal. (This omelet is going to be so good. Trust me.)
2. Go out to your breaker box and turn off the electricity to your entire home. (No, really. It’s going to cook up better than anything you’ve ever had before.)
3. Burn your house down. (This omelet is going to be delicious. You’ll see.)
4. Find a handgun. Load it, cock it, put it in your mouth, pull the trigger and blow your brainstem to kingdom come. (Can’t you almost smell how delicious this omelet is going to be?)

The obvious answer is NO. We do not choose to bring ourselves into existence. Human life is the property of God Almighty, who has of His own goodness, charity and perfect will deigned to gift us with free will so that we might exist in His image – sovereign, reasoning and thus capable of authentic love, the freely chosen gift of self to some “other”. And even at this, God only asks that in return we worship Him at His Mass on Sunday, and that we *voluntarily* tithe ten percent of our income, or whatever we can manage. But the tithe is *voluntary*, not coerced.

The state, fully ratified by the emotional schoolgirl John Roberts, has now elevated itself above God, and has done nothing less than declare itself god. The state now sees itself as the source and arbiter of human life, demanding and coercing tribute in exchange for permitting human life to continue. Fail to pay tribute to Moloch for your very existence, and your property, your liberty and eventually your life will be forcibly confiscated.

Listen dumbasses, the war is already lost. YOU JUST LOST IT. You didn’t just sac your queen in order to set up a checkmate. Your ass just got checkmated and Barry Obama is sitting on the couch lighting up a joint, and texting Reggie Love to come over for a little celebratory sodomy.

Which brings us to Barry Obama. One of the big arguments I see is that Roberts’ decision “catches Obama in a lie, so we’ve got him now!”
I don’t even know what to say to this. It is so stupid it just makes me want to give up on the entire deal.

Listen Jackasses, everything Obama has said and done for his entire adult life, his entire political career, his entire campaign, and in his entire regime is a lie. For the love of God, EVEN HIS NAME IS A LIE. He passed an obviously forged birth certificate last April. Every single thing he has said, promised and done has been total, complete, objectively proven lie after lie. And you think you’re going to checkmate him with THIS? You think that a point of semantics between “penalty” and “tax” is going to bring him down in this nation of Snooki-watching imbeciles? Are you on drugs, or just merely stupid?

And now the argument that if we just get a few more “republicans” into Washington D.C., we can stop him!

This plane of stupidity makes me the most irate. What in the hell is wrong with you people? Do you not have any recollection of anything that has happened? How did those 2010 elections work out for you? Boy, that really put the brakes on the Obama regime, huh? Wake the hell up. Obama has not been slowed down in any way. His tyranny and destruction has not been held up or checked in any way. It has only accelerated since the day he usurped the White House.


ObamaCare is not being repealed. The only way to get rid of it is either a junta or a civil war and establishing a Second American Republic.


Even with repeal, ’Obamacare’ will be hard to unwind, McConnell says

"If you thought it was a good idea for the federal government to go in this direction, I’d say the odds are still on your side," McConnell told workers at Hardin Memorial Hospital. view full article


As promised, Romney has folded on ObamaCare too, although had I wagered money on the timing, I would have thought that he would have lasted at least a week. But apparently the revenue curve from stupid, imbecilic suckers giving Romney money in the wake of the SCOTUS decision fell off hard enough that the Romney people felt that it served no more purpose to perpetuate the repeal charade.

I hope every single one of you who gave that forked-tongued jackass 

money feel the full shame and embarrassment of your own gullibility 

and obtuseness. This slackjawed sentimentalism WILL BE THE DEATH 

OF ALL OF US. Your rah-rah loyalty to con-artists who wrap themselves 

in platitudes so that you can have a "team" that makes you feel good 

about yourself isn't noble or admirable. It is nauseating and 

disgusting. It is truly sickening to see people elevate false sentiment 

over truth - all for the sake of a truly shallow SOCIAL EXPERIENCE.

Ignorance is one thing. Abject stupidity in the face of 
mountains of pounding evidence is another.

I will not be celebrating Independence Day tomorrow, because to do so would be utterly hypocritical and a lie. The First Republic is dead, and to pretend that it isn't only feeds and enables the usurpers and tyrants who are desecrating its corpse in order to give themselves the appearance of legitimacy. If I live to see the establishment of the Second American Republic, THAT date will I observe.

The Black American Flag, flown in distress, is my flag now.

Patrick Henry March 23rd 1775

(For those of you, who are still reading this blog, let me suggest you continue to read more by actually going to Ann Barnhardt’s blog. Read her writings posted on June 28th, 30th, Jul 2, and 3rd.)

1 comment:

roger said...

I've been complaining about the do nothings we put in office in 2010. All I ever heard from these who should care was they don't have control of the Senate so to bring up a bill for a vote would be pointless. I didn't think so, that was what I voted them in for. They could have at least put everyone in Congress on notice that they will have to show up and take a side on this issue. Right now there are A whole bunch that have not voted on this unhealthy care bill. They need to be on the record with their vote and the ones who voted this monster in need to re afirm their vote to be accountable this election cycle.
On a darker side if this all would go to war, what would that war look like? It's not north against south. Where would the battle lines be drawn? The haves and the have nots. The politically elite and the working class? Who would I have too shoot? Has Ann adressed any of these things?