Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The Current Cowardly Church Needs a
Mega Dose of the Rebel Spirit

By Doug Giles / 9 July 2012 / 

Whenever the ends of Government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the People may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new Government; the doctrine of non-resistance against arbitrary power and oppression is absurd, slavish and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind. –Declaration of Rights, Maryland
Unlike America’s original rebel Christians who dumped the Brits’ taxed tea into Boston Harbor and told King George that he could kiss their King George, today’s evangelicals, I believe—especially the dandy ministers who love to be loved—would have folded like one-ply toilet paper before British oppression. We’re a timid tufted titmouse compared to our rowdy founding forefathers.
Here are four reasons why I believe today’s evangelicals would have melted like little bon-bons during the American Revolution:
1. Some dainty saints of today think rebellion against tyrants is disobedience to God, when the converse is actually true. Yep, these stooges of the machine believe that Yahweh wants Christians to be the corralled cattle of corrupt politicians and policies. Indeed, a lot of pop evangelicals have become nicer than God. Our current craven “faithful” think it’s sinful to say bad stuff about bad elected leadership. Many somehow think it’s righteous to go in an unrighteous national direction. And we’ve got stacks of do-gooders who are turning the other cheek to political abuse and generational theft so fast that they make Shakira look arthritic.
2. A lot of evangelicals would rather live as government slaves than live and die as free men. Some do it out of sinful slothfulness, completely passive and thus complicit in the face of evil. Others do so because they actually think Christ was a Communist and that government theft and wealth redistribution somehow fulfill the Sermon on the Mount. D’oh.
3. Others, especially in the ministry, won’t say squat about our political squalor because it’ll offend the emotional members of their congregation and thereby jack with their weekly offerings, which, in turn, will cause them to lose their vacation home in Naples where they’re currently banging their mistress. Here we are during one of the most crucial elections of our lifetime, and ministers don’t (or won’t) address these issues or show up at protests. Wow. Good luck at the judgment seat. I’ve been to many, many Tea Parties up and down the east coast of Florida and have only run into a handful of ministers. Where are you, ladies? Your absence and silence during America’s demise is more obvious than Pam Anderson’s recent enhancement. Hello, Judas.
4. Another thing that irks me is this end-of-the-world Rapture mentality that, supposedly, all of this bad stuff we’re currently fielding as a nation is God’s plan for the ages and that there’s nothing we can do about it. I’m sure glad our predecessors didn’t look at the gargantuan junk they were facing during times of oppression and upheaval and say, “Oh, well. The Rapture must be right around the corner.” No, what they did was think, work, pray and fight. And guess what, end-of-the-world Christian? They yielded up this grand experiment in self-governance, that’s what.
The Church needs the biblical rebel spirit of our founders injected back into the evangelical mix instead of this squishy, pusillanimous, ignoble and compliant crapola that’s currently cranking through our indolent pulpits and pews. God help the Church to lose its cowardly, effeminate bent in these critical days. Amen.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Preserving Liberty - The Price Is Always Paid With Blood

My Thoughts: It is almost inconceivable to me that Christian men and women who were born and raised in the greatest country, most achieving, most giving, and most founded on Christian precepts the world has ever known would even hesitate for one moment to defend our liberty; to defend the freedom granted to us by the Constitution of the United States. But on the other hand why should I be surprised, when I think about the horrific sins tolerated by the Church here in America over the past 50-60 years.

It’s not a cowardice fear in their hearts causing them to hold the view they cling to, but rather it is some twisted religious notion that the American traditions and ideals which once insured American citizens the freedoms paid for by blood are no longer worth fighting for –if, in their minds, they ever were. I must confess I am confounded as to how to respond to such religious loonacy. Therefore, please allow me to reference an earlier post on this blog, dated on September 10, 2011. The quote at the top of that post sums it up:

"Good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

—George Orwell (with a nod to the Mudville Gazette)

The following poem fleshes out Orwell's statement.

Russ Vaughn, 2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, Vietnam 65-66 wrote a letter published in the Mudville Gazette titled Rough Men.

Rough Men

There's a character trait that's decided by fate
Comes (sadly) to many, far too faint, far too late.
They won't face the aggressor, stand up to his ire
They have not the will to fight his fire with fire.
So they bend over backwards to see all sides as fair,
Till they're faced with dragon breath fire in their hair.
Like our brethren in France, who'd know better than we,
Yet seem never to learn, seem doomed never to see.

Yes, it seems there are some who're determined by fate,
To possess not the courage to step up to the plate,
Who shrink from all threat because nothing's worth war.
But how can they know lest they've been there before?
Thank God some have courage, the will, yes, the grace,
To stand for the shirkers, stand strong in their place.
Thank God we have stalwarts who'll stand for us all,
Who will rise to the challenge at their nation's call.

The faint—hearted, who fear, whose reaction is flight,
Have no comprehension of those who will fight.
To hide their own trepidation they attempt to demean
The rough men, who defend them, as barbaric, obscene.
Yet these rough men stand ready, hard weapons to hand,
To put placaters behind them, draw a line in the sand,

To preserve for the peaceniks what they won't defend,
So their own unearned freedom won't perish, won't end.

To appeasers, rough men are coarse government tools.
To rough men, appeasers are dumb delusional fools.


"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom."

-- John F. Kennedy

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."

-- George Washington, in a speech of January 7, 1790

[W]hat country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that [the] people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms...The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Col. William S. Smith, 1787

The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money.

-- Alexis de Tocqueville

What, then is law [government]? It is the collective organization of the individual right to lawful defense."

-- Frederic Bastiat, "The Law"

The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun.

-- R. Buckminster Fuller

The people cannot delegate to government the power to do anything which would be unlawful for them to do themselves.

-- John Locke, "A Treatise Concerning Civil Government"

The price of liberty is, always has been, and always will be blood. The person who is not willing to die for his liberty has already lost it to the first scoundrel who is willing to risk dying to violate that person's liberty. Are you free? -- Andrew Ford

Never could an increase of comfort or security be a sufficient good to be bought at the price of liberty.

-- Hillaire Belloc

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."

-- Claire Wolfe


Ezekiel 33"...6 'But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand.'

Esther 8:11-12 11 By these letters the king permitted the Jews who were in every city to gather together and protect their lives -- to destroy, kill, and annihilate all the forces of any people or province that would assault them, both little children and women, and to plunder their possessions...

- then -

Esther 9:1-5 ...the Jews themselves overpowered those who hated them. 2 The Jews gathered together in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus to lay hands on those who sought their harm. And no one could withstand them, because fear of them fell upon all people.... 5Thusthe Jews defeated all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, with slaughter and destruction,

Luke 22:35-39And He said to them, "When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?" So they said, "Nothing." 36Then He said to them, "But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. 37 "For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: 'And He was numbered with the transgressors.' For the things concerning Me have an end." 38So they said, "Lord, look, here are two swords." And He said to them, "It is enough." 39 Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was accustomed, and His disciples also followed Him.

Psalm 144:1Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

Psalm 18:34 He teaches my hands to make war, So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze

Nehemiah 4:14"Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.... 20 "At whatever place you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us."


Luke 6:27-30 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also. Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.

Back to My Thoughts: Our LORD Jesus Christ is not saying to His followers they should allow the robber, the rapist, the killer or anyone bent on any sort of violence and harm, directed their way, should allow the perpetrator to continue to wreak havoc over and over and over again. NO. What Jesus is saying to the believer is to ignore personal offences, such as insults and other types of ridicule directed their way. There is a big difference between going to war over an insult, and going to war because the enemy wants to destroy you.

America is now at the tipping point. So, Church if when the time comes you are not willing to stand with the rough men, please, please, please get out of the way, while we do the necessary violence on your behalf.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

To Whom Do We Pray

The problem is we worship financial markets, entertainment, and materialism.

The problem is we no longer recognize our responsibility in controlling our own government.

The problem is we willingly look the other way, while babies are being slaughtered,

The problem is we willingly look the other way, while 90% of all inner-city children have no father.

The problem is we willingly look the other way, while our own children's education is saturated with Marxist ideology.

The problem is we willingly look the other way, while our young men and women are fighting and dying, or coming home with mangled bodies and minds, for a war we will never win.

The problem is we habitually talk about prayer in order to placate our pacifistic attitudes towards actually doing the right thing towards changing our society, our church or our government.

The problem is we would rather watch television than march in a parade for the cause of righteousness.

The problem is we would rather pay taxes to a wicked and unholy government, than go to jail.

The problem is we would rather argue, bicker, and find fault with Christian denominations other than our own.

The problem is that we would rather be "nice' people. (in no way is that a virtue)

The problem is we are willing to defend evil, while our liberty is eroding away.

The problem is our devotion to Wall Street, Politics, Government, Ideology, Religion, Entertainment, and ultimately our Self.

The problem is with us!

Friday, July 6, 2012

A Friday Night With Cousin Kenny Vaughn

If you are a Marty Stuart fan, more than likely you are also a fan of Cousin Kenny Vaughn. Vaughn, arguably the very best guitar picker in Nashville, is often seen accompanying Stuart as a member of the Superlatives Band. But the Superlatives is just one of the many, many acts with which Vaughn can be seen playing his guitar. No matter which role "the Cousin" is playing, lead or backup, he is an extremely talented and entertaining musician and vocalist. His music consist of not only country music but he is also as much at home playing other genres with many of the big name acts working throughout the music industry.

Tonight we listen to Cousin Kenny Vaughn.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

ISLAM RISING: A Call To One World Ummah (Domination)

This post includes a riveting and informative documentary titled ISLAM RISING portraying the truth 
about islam. 

Distributor: Caryl Productions

Director: Caryl Matrisciana

Producer: Caryl Matrisciana


















This DVD “Islam Rising: A Call to One World Ummah” can be purchased at Amazon.com.

CBN News Friday, August 14, 2009

Read more archived Reasoned Report posts about the evil ideology of islam.

dated September 13, 2011.


Natural Law vs The Supreme Court and A Culture Aligned Against Christ

The following video pertains to Natural Law. In wake of the recent Supreme Court's decision, Michael Voris describes the relationship between Natural Law and manmade laws. 

I have included a transcript of this video just below my written thoughts. Please take careful note of the portions of the text I have typed in both bold black print and bold red print. Voris is a staunch conservative Catholic and he speaks from that persuasion. I am a conservative Protestant and yet I believe much, if not most, of what Voris says in this video also applies to conservative Protestant Christians.  

People of both doctrines have over time yielded there once strong core Bible based values to an ever growing crowd, who more and more choose to align themselves with the culture of the anti-Christ and they worship at the altar of the anti-Christ’s socialistic ideology. They fear government more than they fear God. They are no longer willing to sacrifice their worldly belongings for a freedom that only God can give.

Both Catholics and Protestants (and let’s include many of Jewish people, also) of America have been duped into putting their faith in a deceiving government which propagates the lie of being a benevolent provider for any who bow down and relinquish all liberties long provided to them by both the Bible and the Constitution of the United States. I am not the final judge, but I cannot believe any of these people now being deceived by these lies are now a part of the kingdom of God here on earth, nor without ever having a repentant heart will they ever be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven to spend eternity with God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

The Vortex

Hello everyone and welcome to the Vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed…

I’m Michael Voris.

When will people who believe in God ... as in the One and Only God ... Jesus Christ ... stop learning to put their trust in princes? Once again ... the Supreme Court has dealt a blow to Judeo-Christian morality in advancing a takeover of health care by the federal government which includes payments for killing children and contraception and sterilization etc.

The High Court is comprised of nine jurists 6 of whom are Catholic and 3 of whom are Jewish … so if you were EVER gonna expect a Judeo-Christian outcome ... it would be now. Ah, but no such hope. The Catholic Vote split 4-2 and the Jewish vote was a unanimous lock 3-0 in favor of institutionalized health care paid for killing and sexual immorality. Catholics ... and other religious people of a conservative bent ... have bought the line that all we have to do is band together and join our efforts to a one party and from within change the system. What Catholics have failed to notice is that the culture has changed so much that you can no longer put your trust in princes ... as if you ever really could.

The culture is aligned against Christ. Period. Even on the high court ... a kind of de facto legal mindset has seized hold where the justices perceive themselves to be the determiners of law without respect to any higher law ... NATURAL LAW specifically.

This political climate ... judges ... lawmakers ... presidents absolutely reject the notion that law derives from anyone except them. Even when they hypocritically demure the Constitution and the principles enshrined in the founding documents ... they know that they are the final interpreters of that and can throw those original principles overboard at will conjuring up whatever legal voodoo they can imagine. For example ... Obamacare isn’t constitutional because it is an overreach of the Commerce Clause ... sooooooo ... let’s make it legal as a TAX. Yea. That’s the ticket.

If you want to see an absolute repudiation of natural law in the political elite ... you need look no further than the judiciary committee hearings for Clarence Thomas when he was being questioned following his nomination to the Supreme Court. Right on Biden’s heels came another Catholic Senator Patrick Leahy also fulminating that Thomas’ holding of natural law was not welcome in Washington DC.

But natural law is the law from which all man made laws must derive or they are immoral. Natural law speaks of OBJECTIVE TRUTH ... meaning there is a truth to which man made law must bow. Religious liberty for example does not flow from the state .. it flows from the very nature of man .. just as the right to life does. But both these rights have been shoved aside by jurists and lawmakers and even been redefined.

Justice Kennedy wrote 20 years ago ... as he was defending the practice of killing children in the womb in the Casey vs. Planned Parenthood ruling  ... “at the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” There you have it. A total repudiation of objective truth … right from the mouth of a US Supreme Court justice.

Imagine ... a right to define one’s own concept of existence ... as if there was objective concept of existence? Imagine ... so in this strain of thought ... exactly what was so wrong with what Joseph Stalin did as he slaughtered millions of his own countrymen to hold on to and consolidate his power?

Imagine that we get to define the mystery of human life. Philosophical error by the way there ... if you define the mystery for yourself ... its no longer a mystery. For Catholics and their leaders to continue to play in this swamp of begets a great naïveté that things can change simply by pursuing the political process. The process has been pursued for decades and things only get worse. And that includes when people are elected you would think would be allies. We should never forget this ... it was the single vote of REPUBLICAN senator Olympia Snowe from Maine who passed the Obamacare legislation out of the Senate Committee and on to the full floor for the vote where it passed in a democratic controlled senate.

So for all the caterwauling by republicans about evil Obama ... it was one of their own that was instrumental in making this happen. For Catholic bishops who took the position  ... and still do ... that the federal government should be the dispenser of universal health care ... abandoning in the process the Catholic social teaching of subsidiarity ... they are reaping what they sowed.

Remember ... it was a nun … million dollar salary Sr. Carol Keehan who stood there receiving one of the signing pens from Obama after giving permission to a small group of Catholic congressmen to vote yes in the US House thus propelling the bill further along the path to becoming the law it is today. None of these paid the slightest attention to the natural law. And the concept of natural law has been so degenerated that few people even know that such a thing even exists ... much less what it is or how to articulate it.

In short ... when applied to politics ...

Natural law is the over-riding principle that says slavery is wrong and immoral and evil EVEN if a President or Congress or Supreme Court says it’s ok.

Natural law is the over-riding principle that says killing children in the womb is wrong and immoral and evil even if a President or Congress or Supreme Court says it’s ok.

Natural Law is the over-riding principle that says legitimizing sodomy and endowing it with the same legal protections as marriage is wrong immoral and evil even if a President or Congress or Supreme Court says it’s OK.

Catholics are beholding to man-made law
ONLY when it squares with the Natural Law
         which finds ITS basis in Divine Law.

It comes down to the adage ... we obey God before man. The problem in the Catholic body politic today is the refutation of Natural Law by the elitist crowd in DC and the nation’s law schools hasn’t been recognized or admitted by Catholic leaders ... both clergy and lay.

You cannot keep going back to Caesar pleading your case when Caesar despises you.

Another avenue must be found.

GOD Love you...

I’m Michael Voris.

Back to my thoughts: Voris suggests Catholics (I am going to include all Christians who fear God and not government) must find another avenue. We must yield to Divine Law only, which provides for Natural Law, which provides the United States Constitutional Law. In my view, that other avenue will take place only through prayer, preparation, a fear of God and not man, and a willingness to sacrifice one’s own fortune and one’s own life for the liberty of all.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Black American Flag, Flown In Distress, Is My Flag Now.

The Black American Flag, flown in 
distress, is my flag now.
                                        -  Ann Barnhardt

I am curious as to how many Christians in America are willing to go to war over the SCOTUS’s ObamaCare decision rendered last week. I write this blog knowing most will never read it. But to the few who do, let me ask the following question.

“Is now the time for all freedom loving Americans to wage an all out civil war over the horrible, horrible ruling SCOTUS rendered last week upholding ObamaCare?” I direct this question to all American followers of Jesus Christ. It is obvious to me a war is the only remaining method to repeal Obamacare, so should we?; do we fight? Last week’s talk, from all the so called conservative politicians pertaining to the decision ruled by the high court, has made it very clear there will be no congressional repealing of this law.

If your answer is (“No to war, the prevention of the ongoing destruction of our freedom and our country is not worth fighting for. No to war, the fight to save the lives of all the unborn babies being killed every day is just not worth losing one life long worldly accumulations over. No to war the fight to prevent the destruction of marriage is just not worth losing ones life over. Then the answer "NO" can only mean I will fear government more than will I fear the God the Bible; therefore a real war is just not worth the cost.”). If that is your answer, then you no longer deserve to a life of liberty.

I will never understand cowardly people who willingly send men and women into islamic countries to die while fighting to save and perpetuate a people’s godless way of life, and yet in no way are they themselves willing to fight a battle in their own country to save their own freedoms; such as the freedom to serve the one true living God. People, listen to me, "Don’t fear your government more than you fear your God. Don’t think for one moment our government leaders will eventually do the right thing. Far, far, far more often than not doing the wrong thing has been the decision in the last 65 going on 70 years of American politics."

For those of you, who are still reading this blog, let me suggest you continue to read the following excerpts taken from Ann Barnhardt’s writings in her own blog over the last several days.


Bottom line: since I fully understand and accept that the Republic is dead and the Constitution is no longer in force, and that the Rule of Law is dead, nothing surprises me.

Mark Levin said this morning that the SCOTUS decision was "lawless." Well, no kidding, Mark. The Republic is dead, and has been for quite some time now. What do you expect? What is it going to take for people to acknowledge objective reality?

Now to Romney and all of you rah-rah Tea Party people. If you think for ONE SECOND that Romney will ever, ever repeal any of this, then you are truly dumber than the people who voted for Obama in the first place, and I'm not being facetious. Romney wrote ObamaCare's template in Massachusetts, including a mandate, including state-funded abortion. Romney has said over and over and over again while running for POTUS that he is 100% in favor of a mandate. 

Which circles us back to the root problem of personal integrity in this nation. We are a nation of godless cowards and self-worshiping trash, and we will have the government we deserve as such.

Why do I bother saying anything at all? Because I want there to be some sort of digital record showing that not every single person in this godforsaken country was a coward and an imbecile. I don't want the people who are living on this continent ten or twenty years from now to be able to whine and deflect responsibility for their sorry, sorry state by claiming that "no one ever told us" or "no one ever explained anything to us." No, you were told. You were warned. And it wasn't just me doing the warning and explaining. You will accept your suffering in SILENCE. You will blame nothing and no one except YOURSELVES. You will own the tyranny that you live under, because you begged for it. You bought it with your own stupidity, and you nurtured it with your own squealing cowardice.


It isn’t just Lindsey Graham that is a stupid, stupid jackass. If you’re buying any of this, “Everything’s fine! We actually WON on ObamaCare, and Roberts is a genius!” jackassery, then go look in the mirror and behold the Sombrero of all Asshats.

Are you detecting ire? Are you getting the sense that I’m just a LITTLE pissed off? It’s one thing to watch a bunch of godless, drug-addled, moloch-worshiping Marxist dumbasses spew mental diarrhea, but to have to sit and watch pretty much everyone on the right do the same thing is just too much. Do you people not have functioning brains? Is there truly no capacity for any intelligent thought or the ability to recall and parse objective facts and evidence? Really?

Let’s start with an analogy. Defending this week’s SCOTUS decision is directly analogous to the following:

Ann’s Omelet Recipe
1. Gather every egg in your kitchen. Throw them all down the garbage disposal. (This omelet is going to be so good. Trust me.)
2. Go out to your breaker box and turn off the electricity to your entire home. (No, really. It’s going to cook up better than anything you’ve ever had before.)
3. Burn your house down. (This omelet is going to be delicious. You’ll see.)
4. Find a handgun. Load it, cock it, put it in your mouth, pull the trigger and blow your brainstem to kingdom come. (Can’t you almost smell how delicious this omelet is going to be?)

The obvious answer is NO. We do not choose to bring ourselves into existence. Human life is the property of God Almighty, who has of His own goodness, charity and perfect will deigned to gift us with free will so that we might exist in His image – sovereign, reasoning and thus capable of authentic love, the freely chosen gift of self to some “other”. And even at this, God only asks that in return we worship Him at His Mass on Sunday, and that we *voluntarily* tithe ten percent of our income, or whatever we can manage. But the tithe is *voluntary*, not coerced.

The state, fully ratified by the emotional schoolgirl John Roberts, has now elevated itself above God, and has done nothing less than declare itself god. The state now sees itself as the source and arbiter of human life, demanding and coercing tribute in exchange for permitting human life to continue. Fail to pay tribute to Moloch for your very existence, and your property, your liberty and eventually your life will be forcibly confiscated.

Listen dumbasses, the war is already lost. YOU JUST LOST IT. You didn’t just sac your queen in order to set up a checkmate. Your ass just got checkmated and Barry Obama is sitting on the couch lighting up a joint, and texting Reggie Love to come over for a little celebratory sodomy.

Which brings us to Barry Obama. One of the big arguments I see is that Roberts’ decision “catches Obama in a lie, so we’ve got him now!”
I don’t even know what to say to this. It is so stupid it just makes me want to give up on the entire deal.

Listen Jackasses, everything Obama has said and done for his entire adult life, his entire political career, his entire campaign, and in his entire regime is a lie. For the love of God, EVEN HIS NAME IS A LIE. He passed an obviously forged birth certificate last April. Every single thing he has said, promised and done has been total, complete, objectively proven lie after lie. And you think you’re going to checkmate him with THIS? You think that a point of semantics between “penalty” and “tax” is going to bring him down in this nation of Snooki-watching imbeciles? Are you on drugs, or just merely stupid?

And now the argument that if we just get a few more “republicans” into Washington D.C., we can stop him!

This plane of stupidity makes me the most irate. What in the hell is wrong with you people? Do you not have any recollection of anything that has happened? How did those 2010 elections work out for you? Boy, that really put the brakes on the Obama regime, huh? Wake the hell up. Obama has not been slowed down in any way. His tyranny and destruction has not been held up or checked in any way. It has only accelerated since the day he usurped the White House.


ObamaCare is not being repealed. The only way to get rid of it is either a junta or a civil war and establishing a Second American Republic.


Even with repeal, ’Obamacare’ will be hard to unwind, McConnell says

"If you thought it was a good idea for the federal government to go in this direction, I’d say the odds are still on your side," McConnell told workers at Hardin Memorial Hospital. view full article


As promised, Romney has folded on ObamaCare too, although had I wagered money on the timing, I would have thought that he would have lasted at least a week. But apparently the revenue curve from stupid, imbecilic suckers giving Romney money in the wake of the SCOTUS decision fell off hard enough that the Romney people felt that it served no more purpose to perpetuate the repeal charade.

I hope every single one of you who gave that forked-tongued jackass 

money feel the full shame and embarrassment of your own gullibility 

and obtuseness. This slackjawed sentimentalism WILL BE THE DEATH 

OF ALL OF US. Your rah-rah loyalty to con-artists who wrap themselves 

in platitudes so that you can have a "team" that makes you feel good 

about yourself isn't noble or admirable. It is nauseating and 

disgusting. It is truly sickening to see people elevate false sentiment 

over truth - all for the sake of a truly shallow SOCIAL EXPERIENCE.

Ignorance is one thing. Abject stupidity in the face of 
mountains of pounding evidence is another.

I will not be celebrating Independence Day tomorrow, because to do so would be utterly hypocritical and a lie. The First Republic is dead, and to pretend that it isn't only feeds and enables the usurpers and tyrants who are desecrating its corpse in order to give themselves the appearance of legitimacy. If I live to see the establishment of the Second American Republic, THAT date will I observe.

The Black American Flag, flown in distress, is my flag now.

Patrick Henry March 23rd 1775

(For those of you, who are still reading this blog, let me suggest you continue to read more by actually going to Ann Barnhardt’s blog. Read her writings posted on June 28th, 30th, Jul 2, and 3rd.)