Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Lie of Pacifism - There is Only One Solution


POSTED BY Ann Barnhardt - MARCH 8, AD 2012 9:07 PM MST

I have never served in the military. I wasn’t even in ROTC in high school. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that a 35 year old female ex-commodity broker should be explaining the geo-political and military tactical situation. This is beyond absurd. It is bizarre, and it is despicable. It has gotten to the point that I now open up Netflix on my iPad upon crawling into bed, and pull up a random episode of the original Star Trek that isn’t “Mirror, Mirror” – just to make sure that Spock doesn’t have a goatee and Kirk isn’t wearing a wife-beater. I need proof that we aren’t in some parallel universe or Bizarro World.

I have already talked in other posts and interviews about the Marxist-islamic axis and how these two very similar political systems naturally form an alliance. The initial point of mutual respect between the two comes from intense Jew-hatred – the old “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” dynamic. A brief aside here, but well worth the time. Many folks would at this point scratch their heads and wonder aloud why the Marxist contingent has always been so anti-Semitic when Marx himself was an ethnic Jew, and there are plenty of ethnic Jews in the current oligarchy and Marxist camp today in both the U.S. and Europe. Why do some Jews hate their own race? It’s very simple. Self-loathing.

I have a handful of stalkers, one of which is a man in Santa Barbara, California who sends emails rife with vicious anti-Semitism, thinly-veiled threats, with one in particular of rape. His initial emails DEMANDED to know my ethic heritage. He DEMANDED to know what religion I was before converting to Catholicism, and that he suspected me to be a Jew and an infiltrator. Yeah, yeah. Whatever. See the “Contact” page for my address and driving directions. Anytime you’re ready to get rowdy, satan. Anytime.

Long story short, I do a five minute search engine check, five dollar background check and IP trace on this guy, and guess what? He’s Jewish. His mother was very active in the local synagogue. And, lo and behold, this guy is addicted to pornography; with a particular fetish for . . . wait for it . . . Jewish female porn. Is it coming into focus now? Sadly, there are plenty of ethnic Jews (like every other ethnic group) like this man who are either sex perverts, thieves or general villains who use their Jewishness as a scapegoat for their own sorry, sad, foul lives. They tell themselves that the reason they do all of the horrible things that they do is because they are Jews and they tell themselves that Jews are evil thus they have no control over themselves, and so to establish a psychological coping mechanism, they seek to engage in a perverted “atonement” by despising Jews. And goodness knows the internet provides plenty of fuel for the fire.

This guy is a full-blood ethnic Jew, and would, without hesitation, kill every Jew on the planet if he could. He would push the button to nuke Tel Aviv with glee. But you know what? After he had killed every other Jew on the planet, he would still be just a pathetic, foul loser of a free sovereign, created and loved by God, masturbating at his computer, desperately seeking a new scapegoat to blame for his own freely-chosen life of sin and refusal to let God love him. This little tale of woe isn’t exclusive to Jews or any other group. It is the universal story of mankind, fallen. The point is, no one should be the least bit surprised to see ethnic Jews cozying up to the very political systems that would exterminate them.

Self-loathing does unspeakable things to the human psyche. That is why self-loathing is a terrible sin, and why the vast majority of the suffering in this world is inflicted by and can be ultimately traced back to self-loathers.
Anyway, back to the Marxist-islamic axis. Here is the perspective from the Marxists’ point of view, which is today globally led by the Obama regime, obviously. The Marxists are actively working to enable and hasten the reforming of the Islamic Caliphate and to clear the way for nuclear weaponization of the Caliphate so that the Marxists can use the Caliphate as their enforcement arm. Obama is an atheist. Psychopaths worship nothing and no one but THEMSELVES. Get over your ideas of Obama piously getting down on his knees and “praying” to any diety. The only kneeling being done in the White House is being done in front of Obama’s La-Z-Boy by Reggie Love or whomever Obama’s fellatrix du jour is up in the private study. ANY confession of Islamic affiliation or shows of Islamic “piety” by Obama now, in the past, or in the future was, is, and will be nothing but a calculated maneuver designed to form a political alliance.

Much like the Hitler-Stalin dynamic, each side is looking to use the other only until such time as human liberty, representative governance and free market capitalism have been totally purged from the earth. Once that is accomplished, each side is planning to turn on the other and finally achieve total world dominance. So, Marxists are looking to use islam in the coming decade to force either by terror or by military conquest all resistance. Hence the drive to get the muslim world nuclear-weaponized ASAP.

So, for example, the Marxist cabal could use the threat of allowing muslims to detonate a nuclear device over, say, Berlin, if Germany doesn’t “play ball”; or London if the U.K. doesn’t play ball; or Paris if France doesn’t fall into line.

“That’s a nice city you’ve got there. It’d be a real shame if anything happened to it.”

What makes this all so unique in world history is the lesson that 9/11 offers us. 19 muslim men carried out an attack that killed three thousand, but could have killed many, many multiples of that number. We now know that the 9/11 hijackers did in fact have state sponsors, the Saudis in particular. But the tactical genius, if you will permit the word, is that now attacks that can cause massive, massive damage can be carried out by a very small number of civilian combatants. What this does is provide the state sponsors with a perpetual veil of “plausible deniability” vis-à-vis the cowardly, effete, self-loathing Western World.

Here’s the terror. A nuclear device could likewise be launched by a similar number of civilians or “non-state” combatants with covert state sponsorship off of a yacht or barge. Iran could rustle up two dozen Hizbullah to launch a nuke off the coast of France or the U.S. instantly. Once Paris or New York was leveled, Iran, or the Caliphate in general would simply say that the perpetrators were totally unaffiliated “lone wolves” and “extremists” and thus the West, in its cowardice, would never, ever respond. Do you see how far along we are in this chess game? Do you see how many pieces we have lost and how set-up the board is against us?

The muslim tactics and perspective are excruciatingly simple. Ally with the Marxists in order to get the Caliphate reformed and in order to achieve nuclear weaponization. Once that has been done, drop all pretences of alliance with “infidels” and take the remainder of Africa, Europe and the Americas. India and China will be the final prize, and the real war.
At this point, some might say that given the U.S.’s massive advantage in terms of military capability and the size of our nuclear arsenal, such a scenario could never play out.

I hate to break this to you, but today, our nuclear arsenal might as well be zero. The psychopathic filth that has fully infested both the Executive and Legislative branches would never, ever, under any circumstances order the use of our nuclear arsenal – not to mention the treasonous, effete, groveling, simpering, pants-pissing miserable excuses for men that dare call themselves flag officers in the United States Military today. Who would they use it against? They are either sympathetic to the caliphate and want to see the Caliphate reformed in order to supplement their own power, or they are stupid cowards more worried about whether Lance Corporal Fabulous gets to open-mouth tongue-kiss his boyfriend on base or whether the enemy is “offended” or if we are “winning hearts and minds.” Go back to my scenario above of two dozen or less Hizbullah launching a nuke from a yacht. Do you honestly think that Congress would authorize, or the Obama regime would execute a retaliatory strike against Mecca, Medina, Riyadh, Tehran, Kabul, Tripoli, Baghdad, Beirut, Damascus, Sana’a or anywhere else?

I don’t care how big our nuclear arsenal is, or how big our military is. If there is zero will to actually utilize any of that power, then we could be beaten by nothing more than a street gang of mentally retarded goathumpers throwing rocks and firing the occasional RPG. Oh, wait. That’s exactly what is going on in Afghanistan. The hypothetical is not necessary.

The Caliphate doesn’t need to be anywhere close to our strength in terms of nuclear munitions. The fact is that since we have zero will to use our arsenal, our effective arsenal is zero. Therefore ONE nuclear weapon in the hands of the Caliphate would constitute a decisive advantage sufficient to defeat us.

There is only one solution to this. The entire government of the United States needs to be purged of this class of criminals, grifters, imbeciles and psychopaths and totally reformed and repopulated. 

The only way we survive as a nation, intact, is if the Congress would instantly support a President who would use our nuclear arsenal. 

The world would need to look at the occupant of the Oval Office and KNOW, and know without a shred of doubt

      that he was the Chief Executive of the most     powerful nation on earth and the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military on earth, 


      that he was intelligent enough, man enough, and MORAL ENOUGH to order a nuclear counterstrike which would wipe islam off the map once and for all. 

That’s right. MORAL ENOUGH.

The lie of pacifism used to mask men’s cowardice is what has caused this godforsaken mess. 

It is precisely because we have refused to wage just war in charity, namely as hard and in as swiftly, totally victorious a fashion as possible, that we are now staring down these questions and scenarios. 

It is because we have refused to do our duty as a nation of Christian men that it is now a near-certainty that millions will die in a nuclear conflagration within a decade. 

It is precisely because we have lost the will to fight evil that our nation has been overthrown in a cold coup and set on the path to collapse and war.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

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