Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Change, It's A Changin'

I have been away from my blog for awhile, but have continued to kick around some ideas as to what I could or should post. I ran across some clever pictures in my inbox, and decided what better way to start back up with the blogging. After all, they say a pictures arre worth a thousand words, and clever signs always seem to say it best. Put the two together and it is a win-win.

According to the email, theses pictures were recently take during a demonstration in Chicago of all places. 

Talk about a sign falling on deaf ears "Politicians you better listen to us!

The man standing in the center foreground looks like he is ready do something about the whole situation.

"The Change Sucks" for all freedom loving people - for the freeloaders I'm thinking the change has been just fine.

The Axis of Taxes

Did the Marxist come before the ACORN or did the ACORN come before the Marxist? Either way the result has been the same.

Mao never looked better.

Geithner, obviously a man of no shame - willing to waist away your grand kids taxes, but not willing to pay his own.

Short of an all out "federal tax strike", this is one of the better ideas I have seen for awhile.

I wouldn't want to put words in the Presidents mouth, so just let me at his teleprompter.

Oh, if only it were so!

Now here is an idea someone should have thought up a long time ago.

Government dependence = government socialism = government communism = government evil. So where is the stretch? Just connect the dots.  

The "me" on the sign represents millions of Americans, and the number grows every time Obama steps in front of a teleprompter.

I would have added the words "& Economy" right after the word "Congress". Of course if we could just get rid of the first two, the later would soon come around and regain some confidence.

I'm not sure what it is they teach at "Harvard", but it is certainly not Economics 101.

It is time for this pirate to walk the plank.

The skunk has replaced the Eagle as the new symbol for this President.

It is half black, half white, and everything it does stinks. 

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