Thursday, October 13, 2011

Romney/Christie Ticket From RINO Hell

Romney/Christie ticket from RINO Hell

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 12, AD 2011 12:48 PM MST

The best bet right now is indeed Cain. I'm not excited about Cain, but the RNC hates his guts and will try everything to take him down, so that tells me he is the best bet. It would be pretty cool for America to have its first black president. Oh, and Perry has personal baggage that disqualifies him. I'm very, very glad Perry is toast.

Here is my YouTube piece that I did on Romney back in June. Most of you have already seen it, but some of you may not. My full YouTube Channel is at the link to your left that says "YouTube". Breaking news from yesterday is that Romney's team from Massachusetts was indeed paid and instrumental in writing the ObamaCare bill. Yeah. I told you. Knock me over with a feather. These people are all in the same damn Marxist club. Below that is Romney in his own words. Frickin' robot baby killer. (That would make a great t-shirt, hint hint.)

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