Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Allen West For US President??

Recently a debate among Republican candidates was aired on Fox News TV. I'm not sure how many candidates participated -maybe seven or eight - but I have to say none sent a tingle up my leg.

The candidate Michele Bachmann, more so than any of the others, voiced the Tea Party positions. The question is, "Does she have a shot at winning the nomination?"  As of now, it is way to early to tell who the nominee will be. Having said that, and as much as Mrs. Bachmann is liked by the Tea Party as a congresswoman, her ability to actually be a successful Presidential candidate is a big question mark. Vice-President would be a good option for her at this point given her lack of experience as an executive leader.

It seems that no one candidate is able to consistently maintain traction in the poles as the leader of the pack. Given their records and/or accomplishments that does not surprise me. But if on the other hand Sarah Palin were to decide to run, she could very well be the candidate that would generate real enthusiasm among the true conservatives.  Even if she were to eventually win the nomination and the general election, she would, in my mind, still not be the best candidate we conservatives have to offer. Given the huge, if not catastrophic mess our country is in, our next President will have the monumental task of turning this massive ship (the United States of America) around.

I could vigorously support Mrs. Palin, but it is my conviction that we need a man to stand in that position who holds strong conservative political views similar to hers; a man of strong character; a man who has demonstrated great and courageous leadership capabilities. We need a man who can actually stand toe to toe - nose to nose with the likes of Vladimer Putin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. We need a man who can walk into a room with these men and put the fear of God deep into their hearts.  We need to find a man like that.

The good news is there is such a man. We have no need to look any further than the state of Florida to find such a man, who many think is the best qualified, and has the best shot at being our next President and Commander-in-Chief; a man capable of leading this nation in a successful effort to both end and reverse the political, economic, national defense, and international downward spiral causing America to slide into the abyss of no return.

Unfortunately, to date, this man has yet to be persuaded to throw his hat into the political ring and run for this highest office. But not all is lost; there is currently a nationwide push to convince him to do so. Time is running out.

The man I am talking about is Lt. Col. Allen West, a 22 year United States Armed Forces veteran. As an Army officer, he was deployed on several tours in the war zones of  Iraq and Afghanistan where he commanded large numbers of troops during actual combat missions. Now retired, but not through serving his country,
Mr. West is now in his first term as a US Congressman, and he is anything but the typical Washington insider. At the same time, he is more knowledgeable than all other candidates combined (probably all of congress combined) on what many people today consider to be the most serious issue facing America - Islam. Yes, Congressman West has developed a thorough understanding, along with sound solutions, concerning all the major issues now confronting America.

Congressmen West is a Christian man whose faith in God has been and will be his guiding force, a force we desperately need in  Washington DC. All of his military life he has demonstrated the great leadership skills and capabilities required to be a President. He has been a Tea Party favorite from the time the Tea Party began to emerge. 

I have called Congressmen West's office telling them I, like millions of other Americans, want him to run and would enthusiastically support his candidacy should he decide to do so. I also signed the petition now being circulated around the country to draft him into the campaign. I suggest all conservatives do the same.

Congressman West has relatively little money or national name recognition at this point, but that would rapidly change should he agree to run. I urge you, the reader of this ARR blog, to view the following videos. They will give every right thinking viewer a real sense of who this man is and what he he stands for. Following the last video you will find a link to a web site where you too can voice your support. I urge you to do so, just as I urge the congressman to run.

I now introduce to you, Lt. Col. Allen West, the congressman currently representing South Florida in the US Congress.

Radio Interview

Tea Party Speech

The following video has become a classic Allen West video concerning the evils of islam.

Allen West addresses the core problem confronting Black America.

Another classic Allen West video where he takes a muslim member of CAIR to school about islam.

Go to Allen West for President.

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