Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Today's Jewish/Christian Relationship

Ann Barnhardt posted this video, The Boston Speech, a few months ago on her blog, Barnhardt Capital Management, Inc., and in doing so sealed her credibility with me. When introduced to Ms Barnhardt's YouTube videos a few weeks earlier, I realized she was the one person who could possibly wake up Christian America. She certainly got my attention then, and hasn't disappointed me since. I am grateful Ms Barnhardt has re-posted her "Boston Speech" video again today, and once more I have taken the liberty to simply copy her post and past it on to this blog - A Reasoned Report.


AD 2011 11:30 AM MST
I can't know for sure, but I think it is possible that there are now more people looking at this website than watching Keith Olbermann's TV show on Algore's cable channel. Seriously. That's just funny, right there. But hey, we both attended ag schools, so I guess it stands to reason. My degree is in animal husbandry, I think Keith's is in peafowl sexing, or maybe it was guinea-fowl herding. I can't remember. Anyways, now that I have a rather sizeable audience (for however long it lasts), I feel obliged to spread as much essential info as quickly as possible.

The antisemitism is really coming out in the open now, to the point that it is truly scary to behold. It is like 1939 all over again. Most Christians have no idea how they are supposed to relate to the Jews or what the Church actually teaches, because Christianity has descended into a dark night of abject stupidity. Back in May I was invited to fly to Boston and give an address to a synagogue, but liberals in the congregation forced the Rabbi to cancel. So, I just recorded the address here at home and posted it on YouTube. In this 28 minute long speech I explain, in detail, the relationship between Christians and Jews and how governmental structure principles come straight out of the Old Testament which highly informed the Framers of the Constitution.

Just exactly like everyone else on this planet, there are within the Jewish ethnicity very, very good people (Dennis Prager leaps to mind) and very, very bad people (George Soros leading that pack) - and everything in between. No one is good or evil by virtue of their DNA. If a man is not free to choose evil simply because of his DNA, then neither is man free to choose good. And if man is not free to choose, then man has no worth. We are then, all of us, according to this line of thought, nothing more than animated economic units than can be herded and slaughtered without compunction by whomever has the most brute power. George Soros is not evil because he is ethnically Jewish. George Soros is evil because he has consciously and freely chosen to be evil. George Soros is every bit as sovereign in his person and soul as you and me. He is also every bit as eligible for Christ's Mercy as you and me, although it does appear highly unlikely at this point that he will ever avail himself of it - and that is a tragedy.
If you're interested, here it is.

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