Sunday, October 9, 2011

The End of America

I profess to be a born-again Protestant Christian. Pentecostal to be exact. I do this without apology as I have repented of all of my sins and unabashedly confessed Jesus as the LORD of my life. Having said that, I am going to veer away from my Protestantism a bit just long enough to introduce you, the reader of this ARR blog, to an internet program I recently became aware of through  Ann Barnhardt's blog. The program I refer to is called The Vortex, and can be accessed from the website Real Catholic .

Although my faith in Jesus is grounded in basic Protestant teachings, I have no qualm in referencing 'The Vortex' for all fellow Protestant or Catholic Christians. The Vortex's expresses sound, scriptural, moral commentary seldom articulated more clearly in other circles of Christian publications. Show me a Protestant preacher or teacher who expresses fundamental moral values as well as The Vortex, and I will be happy to include them in this ARR blog.

Watch The Vortex video below titled The End of America.

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