Tuesday, October 2, 2012

America Is About To Get What It Deserves

Atrocities perpetrated by godless degenerate musloids go back into the 7th century. The list of these atrocious attacks I recently posted on my blog, islam Will Always Do What islam Has Always Donedoesn’t begin until the year 1968, when Bobbie Kennedy was killed by a Palestinian. His islamic murder happened during the last few months of President Johnson’s administration. Since that time the United States has had five Republican presidents governing for a total of 28 years, and now including both Johnson’s and Obama’s administration the Democrats have accounted for a total of four president who have governed a total of 16 years. None of these administrations ever made any serious attempt to put an end to all the carnage caused by gutless musloid cowards.

President George W. Bush, in my mind, was actually the worst presidential offender of all, in that he proved to be all mouth and no clout when it came to actually destroying islam. Bush had no understanding or vision of a world free from the pig slop ideology continually being forced down the throats of an ignorant inbred people who are taught nothing but to kill and destroy everything standing in the way of some sort of stupid, deranged utopia that makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever to any free minded person.

Oh, sure, Bush did manage to involve our military in two extremely costly wars. Neither of which accomplished anything other than the wasting of billions of United States dollars and causing thousands upon thousands of United States military personal, their families and friends to endure unspeakable heart wrenching, life changing, grief endured (not by Americans as a whole) but solely the military personal ordered into battle and their families. No attempt was ever made by Bush to destroy islam.

As a matter of fact, Bush (and now Obama) took extraordinary unbelievable steps to salvage the very ideology that is now threating to wipe Israel off the map, plus kill as many Americans as it takes to establish sharia law around the world. They both, as their predecessors did before them, not only have continued to send billions of dollars every year, in the form of foreign aid, to support and prop up governments all around the world fostering and gleefully promoting the very scum of the earth’s musloid people to kill all who do not surrender to the ignorant, backwards, destructive, cruel, incestuous, pedophilic, degenerate ratings of a mad man who worshiped many gods selecting one of them, the moon god, to be the one true god he called Allah.

Now that Americans have spent 10 plus years fighting wars with the stated intentions of propping up and perpetuating two islamic governments, who we know will absolutely turn on and kill free people anywhere they find them, and do so at their very first opportunity to do so. As for Romney he has never ever said or done anything to my knowledge that would indicate he will do anything any different, let alone what we all know must be done to rid the scourge of islam from the world.

Having said that, the fault really does not rest at the feet of US presidents, or even governments for that matter. The moral decay and soon to be epic struggle to preserve liberty for all is found solely and squarely on the shoulders of what was once a “God-fearing” Church. To call today’s church a “God-fearing” Church filled with “God-fearing” parishioners would be one of the greatest of misnomers uttered by sinner or saint over the last 75 years. Here’s the point - it makes no difference who will be elected to be our next president. It is true the Democrats are traveling 90 MPH down a road to Hell. It is also true the Republicans are traveling the exact same direction, but to their “great credit” they are only moving 60 MPH.

To the eye of any rational observer, (that is the few of us who remain), it is now too late for today’s weak-kneed Church to take any kind of meaningful stand that will steer either political party off the road leading to the certain disastrous end of a nation that was once gloriously free to be great. For those who argue that it is not too late to salvage a once powerful republic based on what was a great freedom experiment, I will concede this one point – “with God all things are possible”. To that point, if America is to ever rise from this ash heap of moral and cowardly conduct, a great Spiritual awaking (like has not been seen in decades) must occur and occur soon. It must be an awaking mixed with remorse, repentance and restitution. That and that alone will allow our God, the God of the Bible, to once again bless our land.

I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt God can and will perform all the miracles needed to rescue America from certain doom, but the Church must begin to energetically seek Him in prayer and reinforce those prayers by taking dramatic aggressive physical actions geared against all the ever growing moral sins now plaguing this land called the United States of America. Let’s just call it ‘God ordained willful civil disobedience’ of a magnitude the recent Church has up until now not been willing to participate in.

We as a government (federal, state and local) continue to legalize, and as a society continue to embrace every demonic notion that is handed to us on a glittering but phony silver platter by Satan himself, and the Church seems to relish in standing idly by as the laity, not to mention both political and spiritual leaders do nothing consequential to put a stop to this morally corrupted slide down a slippery slope of certain damnation.

Politically speaking, the truth is, it makes little difference to me which of these slime ball knuckleheads gets elected to be president. It certainly appears that should Obama be elected he will bring this whole political/spiritual fiasco to a bursting head sooner than Romney would. Either way the festering sore of corruption will burst. Based on a justifiable lack of confidence in the Church to intervene in any meaningful way, I say bring the “bursting” on and let’s get it over with.

Some might disagree saying, “That’s easy for you to irresponsibly spout – you’re an old man. You probably won’t be around long enough to experience the consequences of the hellish Obama aftermath as it unfolds, but the younger generations of Americans and those to follow most certainly will.”

My reply is, “It is our children and the generations to follow are, in fact, those who concern me most. If we as a Church are not willing to stand up for what is good, right and Godly – and start standing right now, then our children will most certainly pay a horrendous political – economic – spiritual – and societal price that could last for centuries to come.”

Here’s the point - it makes no difference who will be elected to be our next president. It is true the Democrats are traveling 90 MPH down a road to Hell. It is also true the Republicans are traveling the exact same direction, but to their “great credit” they are only moving 60 MPH. I reiterate to any who will listen “forget about the Democrats – forget about the Republicans - bring on the bursting and let’s get it over with”.

Hopefully we Americans will be fortunate enough, blessed by God enough to be raised out of the ashes of this “bursting” conflict between good and evil. Hopefully a new, a Holy ordained by God, strong and courageous republic, committed to carrying out His instructions to spread the good news of His glorious Gospel around the world will rise up to promote liberty for all and establish His kingdom in lives of millions of lost souls hungry to serve an all-powerful God.

Let me end this rant by agreeing with all who burn with a desire to see all people bound by a teaching from the debts of hell (who God loves muslims as much as any other group of people) come to know Him as the one true God and believe in His Son Jesus as the once crucified, forever risen, and only true savior of the world. But that burning desire will never come to fruition in any meaningful way until a good and free people realize the necessity to have the courage to stand against and defeat moral corruption in whatever shade it is found (including islam).

When the Church turns back to God, governments of the people and by the people will begin to passing laws and making judgments based on the Constitution of the United States of America. Neither Romney nor Obama can do that for us.

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