Friday, September 28, 2012

Innocent Blood Declares The Church To Be Responsible For Financing Legalized Abortion In America

Gospel preaching Churches do not support in any way the law of abortion on demand. That statement - the one I just opened this blog with - is nothing more than a big fat lie.

Most committed Christians, I think it is fair to say, consider abortion to be nothing more than babies sacrificed on the altar of greed. At least if they ever really take the time to think and pray about it (instead of trying to block it out of their minds) the moral position of outlawing abortion would have to be the only Christian choice they could embrace. But unfortunately for the millions of babies who have already been killed, and for the babies yet to be born and intentionally murdered in the days ahead, today's Christians, who stand against abortion, will and in fact do support abortion in the most fundamental way possible. While Christians act as though they are on their soap box begging our government 'please, please stop killing babies', and yet - let me reiterate - and yet... those very Christians are more than happy to send the government the very money necessary to pay the hired killers so they will keep on killing anytime they are ask to do so.

Christians will be the first to point out that the blood of these babies are on the hands of the immoral, godless, degenerate, wicked people who have fought so successfully to make and keep abortion legal in America. It is no surprise these evil people are such strong advocates (throwing all their support behind) such horrific crimes, when one understands who their god is.

What is difficult to understand is why Christians are almost unanimously willing to pay the price demanded for the destruction and elimination of the most innocent and reliant among us. Whatever their reasoning in funding the government in this regard, they remain just as guilty of the slaughter, of the sacrifice of the unborn. The hands of every Christian paying for abortions are absolutely drenched in just as much blood as those who in fact, for the sake of the almighty dollar, pick up the tools of death and use them to perform cold blooded murders. America is no longer a blessed nation and the fault does not lie just with the wicked - after all the wicked are wicked and that is what they do (wicked things) – there will always be forces of evil out to kill and destroy. No, the true fault and guilt lies with all God fearing, Bible believing, born again, Holy Spirit filled, members of the Church who financially support all legalized evil now running rampant throughout what was once "the land of the free".

If the Church would spend as much time fighting against legalized abortion as it does trying to earning the money demanded by the government to pay for the unspeakable crime, abortion on demand would no longer be the law of the land. Almost unanimously the church continues to cower from the IRS as it has done for over the past 40 years of putting babies to death, and doing so for the most trivial, selfish and callus of reasons.

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