Friday, September 21, 2012

What Did She Just Say?

Check it out:  Ann Barnhardt
Roman Proconsul: “Then do this, old man. Just swear by the spirit of the emperor and that will be sufficient [to prevent your execution].”
St. Polycarp: “If you imagine for a moment that I would do that, then I think you pretend that you don't know who I am. Hear it plainly. I am a Christian.” - BARNHARDT'S FULL OF CRAP. SHE'S JUST BLUFFING. - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 7, AD 2012 4:08 PM MST

How, EXACTLY, can you subscribe to a religion and fail to grasp the most basic, obvious fundamentals of that religion? You people really are in it for the socializing, aren’t you? You don’t give a damn about the theology, the dogma or the TRUTH, you just go to see and be seen, and to be entertained in the most shallow, superficial terms possible. 
...for some unfathomable reason, here I am about to attempt to explain simple, basic, rudimentary concepts to a culture in whom I have just epsilon above zero confidence in, because if I don’t do it, neither Pastor Jeremy at your neo-pagan Superfun Rockband church of the Latter Day Dumbasses™ nor Father Liza-Judy over at Holy Marxist Jazzhands parish will. ON FREEDOM AND A NATION OF PAGAN IDIOTS PART 1 - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 9, AD 2012 10:09 PM MST

What constitutes Justice? Nothing less than the total extermination of the islamic political cult from the face of the earth.  Nothing.   Less


And let's not forget that other tool of satan which has sent every other clergyman pecker-down in the dirt to lick the hooves, wet with the liquid manure of political correctness and the running blood of the unborn, of the federal government in utter submission: the 501(c) exemption. RENDERING UNTO CAESAR (1 OF 3) - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 11, AD 2012 12:11 PM MST

The fact is that every single Christian clergyman should have called for a national tax strike on Sunday, January 28, 1973. Why? Because that was the Sunday after SCOTUS legalized the murder of preborn children. Because of that first moral failure, here we now sit, and it is no one's fault but our own.
Most of you out there apparently have the capacity for delusion that allows you to convince yourself that you will not be made to answer for any of this, but I do not, and for that I can only say “Thanks be to God.” REPOST: RENDERING UNTO CAESAR (3 OF 3) - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 11, AD 2012 11:34 AM MST

The charging of interest is NOT evil or sinful. In fact, interest is utterly essential to a healthy, moral economy. Here's the deal. Money is the device that men use to give value to their capacity to produce - whether that production be the production of a clean toilet in a Burger King by getting down on one's knees and scrubbing the thing with a brush, or the production of a new life-saving drug or revolutionary device. From toilet scrubbing to cars or laptops, it is all production of a good, borne from human drive, energy, action and reason. Further, money is an inherently hopeful and socially unitive thing. Money requires that men trust in each other, and hope in each other's goodness and honesty not just in the present, but also into the future. REPOST: JESUS REJECTS ZIRP. IT'S IN THE BIBLE. 1 - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 18, AD 2012 7:45 PM MST

Because godless Marxist-Communists infiltrated and then eventually overthrew our education system, media and churches, people in this culture are not only "uneducated", they are, if I may be permitted to coin a new term, CONTRA-EDUCATED. "Uneducated" implies that a person has not been presented any information at all. That is somewhat the case, but not the complete case. No. The Marxists who have infiltrated the entire education system, media and churches have been presenting information that was objectively false and evil. They have been teaching children and young adults lies, and discouraging any capacity for logical, reasoned thought. They have created a system whereby lies are fed, and the students are expected to swallow those lies whole and never, ever question them. Pumping students' minds full of lies and discouraging any capacity for independent thought is the DIAMETRICAL OPPOSITE of education. So, people today are not just uneducated, they are indeed CONTRA-EDUCATED. We are not talking a mere absence of the thing, we are talking about the diametrical opposite of the thing. DAVID HACKETT SOUTER & CONTRA-EDUCATION - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 19, AD 2012 11:43 AM MST

Oh, and I still demand that I be arrested and charged with both blasphemy and as an accessory to murder, because, after all, my Arabic-subtitled bacon-bookmarked koran burning video is well over a year old and has had over 665,000 views, with Egypt having the most views. Objective evidence points to me having far, far more culpability in all of this than the morons who made the satirical green-screened clip. But then, I am articulate and heavily armed, so I won't hold my breath waiting for the feds or the "media" to trot me out, because they know full well that I would kick their asses all over the playground. ARREST PETER JACKSON & VIGGO MORTENSEN NOW! - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 17, AD 2012 8:01 PM MST

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