Friday, August 24, 2012

Born Free

Fast, on a rough road riding
High, through the mountains climbing
twisting, turning further from my home.
Young, like a new moon rising
Fierce, through the rain and lightning
Wandering out into this great unknown.

And I don't want no one to cry.
But, tell 'em if I don't survive

I was born free!
I was born free
I was born free, born free.

Free, like a river raging
Strong as the wind I’m facing.
Chasing dreams and racing father time.
Deep like the grandest canyon,
Wild like an untamed stallion.
If you can’t see my heart you must be blind.

You can knock me down and watch me bleed
But you can’t keep no chains on me.

I was born free!
I was born free
I was born free, born free.

And I'm not good at long goodbyes
But look down deep into my eyes
I was born free.

Calm, facing danger
Lost, like an unknown stranger
Grateful for my time with no regrets

Close to my destination
Tired, frail and aching
Waiting patiently for the sun to set

And when it's done, believe that I
will yell it from that mountain high

I was born free
I was born free
I was born free, born free

I will bow to the shining sea
And celebrate God's grace on thee

Sold To A Stranger

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Nairobi, Kenya

As a teenager I held a fascination with the Continent of Africa. My focus was primarily in the countries of Tanzania and Kenya. In my freshman year in college I wrote my English class term paper on the Mau Mau uprising of the 1950's. I don't remember much about my research, my paper or my grade. What I do remember is how horrible men were towards other men.

By the time I wrote the paper in 1965, the country of Kenya had gained its independence from Britain, and was becoming one of the more prosperous countries in Africa. Both Kenya and Tanzania were rich in natural resources (particularly wildlife), and my hope was that I would one day be in a position to visit that part of Eastern Africa. I never had that good fortune. Along the way life changed my dreams, but I have hung onto the wonder of what it would be like to visit those two countries yet today. Unfortunately, like much of the world in this century the living conditions for both the poor and affluent alike have deteriorated to a level unimaginable twenty-five years ago. For the poor the issue has been extreme poverty and for the affluent the issue has become security.

The following article dated August 7. 2012 describes extreme mayhem in the capital city of Nairobi. Sound familiar? Can anyone say Detroit, Michigan?

THE KILLING of a British woman, Caron Winter, by burglars at her home in Nairobi last Sunday was particularly poignant, writes Richard Dowden. Winter, 30, was killed in front of her 14-month baby and her body was found by her husband Adam, a pilot who had been flying relief flights into Rwanda. He survived by feigning death.

Every time such a tragedy happens to a white in Kenya, nostalgic articles appear in the British press juxtaposing the latest brutal killing with Happy Valley, the Kenyan paradise that gave us Born Free, White Mischief and Out of Africa. This dream world belonged to a time when Kenya was pronounced Keenya, where whites tamed the wild and lived - or overlived - a life of sensual luxury, and where All of the Natives were Happy All of the Time.

Even if the reminiscences do recall the Mau Mau movement, the brutal Kikuyu rebellion of the early 1950s, they only include the 32 whites who died. The 13,000 Africans killed are usually forgotten.

Like most big African cities, Nairobi and its largely white suburbs have been dangerous places for many years. Most houses there, bungalows set in gardens, have high walls, fences, steel gates and fearsome dogs. Every house has a gateman and nightwatchman, usually a Samburu, Masai or Kamba, traditionally regarded as 'warrior' peoples, armed with a truncheon. But many Nairobi residents now have guns and alarms as well.

As homes have become more impregnable, attackers have taken to robbing cars at traffic lights in town.

Contrary to popular perception, the chief victims are not white Kenyans or the expatriate community of the Langata and Karen suburbs. Two or three times a week, Kenyan newspapers report the death of a nightwatchman. The main shantytown, Mathari Valley, is a sink of crime and violence, and police seldom bother to investigate a crime there. Violent robbery on buses or the streets of Nairobi is an hourly event. It is the poor who are robbed most often.

Ethnic conflicts have displaced more than 300,000 people in Kenya and many of them, particularly young men, come to the cities in search of work, but find none. For those who do, the average wage in Nairobi is about 3,000 shillings (pounds 32.50) a month, but for a breadwinner this barely covers the cost of ugali, the maize-meal porridge which is the Kenyan staple diet. Meat is too expensive for most families, and beer and cigarettes beyond their reach.

School fees, the most important investment every African makes - or tries to make - are now about 12,000 shillings a year. If families can afford consistent education for one child they are lucky, and there are thousands of children who have dropped out of school or failed to take up places because of lack of funds. Without education there is only one other way of getting rich, and that is theft.

At more than 4 per cent, Kenya has the highest population growth rate in Africa, but its economic growth rate is less than 1 per cent. Inflation is estimated at 57 per cent. Standards of living improved in Kenya in every decade since the Second World War, but this generation is facing a sharp decline. That collapse of expectation, particularly for young people who know they will never have a job or money, is a prime cause of the rise in crime in the last few years.

Nairobi, a city built for 1.5 million people that now has a population of more than 3 million, is close to collapse. Its roads are potholed, its water, electricity and telephone systems are occasional. If you are under attack in Nairobi and call the police, assuming the telephone works, they are likely to ask you to come and collect them, as they have no vehicles or no fuel. Only a few policemen will act without asking for a personal fee.

In Kenya corruption has spread from the top, and when Kenya's leaders lead the way in corruption why should the people not follow? One Kenyan businessman close to several leading politicians, Kamlesh Pattni, is being charged with attempting to embezzle 9.9bn shillings. An export scam he organised four years ago was approved by the Kenyan Vice-President and one of its richest men, George Saitoti, who was welcomed on a visit to London last week.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Vendee: The Truth About The French Revolution

Myths surround the story of the French Revolution. Truth has been obscured by the conventional wisdom of fashionable Marxism. The uprising in the Vendée in defence of the Catholic faith is dismissed as a "counter-revolutionary" plot hatched by the nobility and the clergy afraid of losing their power and status.

In this great epic of heroism, endurance and sacrifice it has been said that the Vendean struggle was a costly failure. It was certainly costly; but not a failure. The peasants fought to restore the King, the Catholic religion, and to avoid service in the revolutionary militia. In the last two they were successful and visibly so. True, they did not immediately restore the King, but the monarchy returned in due course. That it did not remain long was no fault of the Vendeans.
The great success of Catholic missionaries in the following century grew in part out of the memory of the witness given by the brave Vendean peasants. It remains a story to confound today's atheists and to nourish the spirits of Christians everywhere.

Friday, August 17, 2012

If The Time Is Not Now, It Is Near

I have never been a conspirator. So I don't think I'll start being one know. Having said that I can't help but believe - check that - I am convinced something is up. The old saying is, "All good things come to an end." As far as what the World has to offer I would have to argue that is probably true. 

The American experiment has been one of those good things that appear to be coming to an end. I don't want to become an "alarmist" any more than I want to be a “conspirator", but it is time for all "alarmist" who are concerned about the freedom that has been provided by the Constitution of the United States of America coming to an end. 

For those of us who refuse to stick our heads in the sand any longer, it is time to stand up and speak with a loud clear voice that we believe the end is near. Not the end of the world, nor Armageddon, or any other end time scenario outlined in the Bible. I have no idea if the "end times” written about by the prophets in both the Old and New Testaments will happen any time soon. If I knew that to be true, I would be much less concerned. As a matter of fact I wouldn't be concerned at all. That’s because I look forward to the day Jesus returns for his Bride. I am in the camp that believes the sooner He returns the better. But I remain no more convinced our LORD will return in the near future than I do in another thousand years, or anytime in between. I just don’t know.

It is because I don't have a personal conviction as to what Bible scholars are teaching in regards to the books of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, etc. that I am going to hope for the Rapture and prepare for the future. Once all the so called end time scholars start to fall into any sort of end time agreement (fat chance) I might take them a little more seriously. But scholars or no scholars, more and more each day the clarity of vision concerning what has been happening and what is about to happen reveals to me it is time to prepare for what just a few short years ago was unthinkable - the fall of the United States government. Ironically it has become the responsibility of the people of good will to rise up and end our "Great Experiment". Only a few of us will accept that responsibility and do what will soon have to be done. The advisories will be the ones to fire the first shot or in some other unlawful action start the conflict. We will be the ones to return fire. Should that endeavor of the few be successful, it will just as necessary for those same revolutionaries to start a new experiment geared towards freedom and liberty for all.

Those of us living today who love America and all the liberity it has provided to all freedom loving people these past 237 years never ever thought in our worst nightmares that we would be the ones who one day would be called upon to scrap the whole thing, and then be required to put in place a whole new republic – that is until now. Unfortunately, there are many Americans who refuse to believe the time is near. There are others who recognize the signs (the writing on the wall) but yet refuse to accept the reality of what they see, and make no effort to educate themselves or prepare them for the pending conflict. It is that sad reality that creates a political atmosphere which will require such an uprising.

Should all civic minded Americans, all church attending Americans, all Godly Americans stand together in unison demanding the Constitution be returned to America as the law of the land, then there would be no need for a revolution. Unfortunately, fat chance. Therefore the road we as a country, as a church have already traveled down has taken us to the point of no return. It has become clear to me, barring some God induced miraculous intervention of awareness and preparedness to come over the citizenry of Americans, the inevitability of the conflict is near.

Despite the rough economy over the past several years, despite the high numbers of unemployed, despite the amount of debt held by governments and individuals, and despite a whole host of other discouraging indicators most people in America are still living the good life. For the most part it is “those people” who are the people of good will, it is “those people” who do not want to face the reality of the unthinkable, and it is “those people” who continue to keep their collective heads in the sand. It is because of “those people” a few people will be forced to take on the responsibility of doing battle in their behalf. That’s not to say that once the first shot is fired there won’t be a few of “those people” who will join the fight, but if history is any guide the numbers will be small.

The one thing no people will ever be able to say is that they weren’t warned. They may not have been listening, but they have been warned. The warnings have not come from the media, or the clergy, or the politicians, or the educators, or the entertainers, or the financial institutions. The warnings are not coming from those who are now most vocal in our society, but none the less the warnings are out there and they are loud and clear to all who will listen.

As it is, Americans for the most part are not listening to the clarion call. They are not listening, because they are too busy living the good life, and don’t have or aren't willing to take the time to be informed. The information is out there. And for some it could be that the information has started right here right now with this blog.

Unfortunately for those who began reading this post (many of which were quickly side tracked and didn’t made it through the first paragraph or two) are mostly still unconcerned. I will fight for them as well as for my family and my country. I believe God expects nothing less. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Liberty: Virtue & Independence

Liberty can no more exist without virtue and independence than the body can live and move without a soul. -- President John Adams

The Scripture, in concert with our founding fathers, declares that it is the God who raises the dead that had a hand in the establishment and continuing being of America.  America is a great nation and is worth the effort to save.  This nation has produced more Christians, who have given more time, money and blood to the Lord’s cause that any other nation.  But this nation is not great because of its Constitution nor its Declaration of Independence.   It is not great because of her political institutions, no matter how unique, nor its powerful military.  America is not great because of the ingenuity of her people nor the richness of her of resources.  America is great because of the goodness of her people.  This goodness is called virtue. Interestingly, the Scripture and our founding fathers both agree that America stands or falls, succeeds or fails solely upon her virtue. Our national fathers defined virtue in religious principles that are solidly grounded within the writings of Holy Writ.  America was birthed, weaned and raised upon Judeo-Christian values and how she responds to these values in the present will determine her future. -- Bo Perrin  The American Heritage Project


The Pledge of Allegiance
The wording of the Pledge of Allegiance was revised several times over the first sixty-two years, the final change coming in 1954 when President Eisenhower approved the addition of the words “under God.”

President Eisenhower -- “In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America’s heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country’s most powerful resource in peace and war”

Monday, August 13, 2012

Stand Up For God, and Stop Being Nice

Ann Barnhardt recently put a post on her blog titled To Hell with “Nice”. To Hell with It. She once again demonstrates her absolute disgust with many of today’s leaders in the Catholic Church. As she has done many times before, she rails against Cardinal Dolan in particular. This time her focus of contempt is because of Dolan's invitation to President Obama asking him if he would attend the annual Al Smith Foundation gala this fall.

Barnhardt’s understanding of the Holy Scriptures is in many instances much different than mine; she’s a fundamental Roman Catholic and I’m a fundamental Pentecostal Protestant. That aside she, along with two or three others, has inspired me to take a good look at what the Church, the Bride of Christ, has become over the last 50 or 60 years. Certainly there’s nothing much to be proud of. I have documented several times in this blog some of the immoral practices that have long been accepted by the world and now are being accepted out right and even promoted by the Church. Yes, the Church ever increasingly looks the other way as one sinful practice after another creeps into the very fabric of our American culture. Check that: "Creeps" is no longer the applicable descriptive verb. Creeps has now become an out right stampede to do evil at every turn.

It is time for a militant Church to stand up and begin battling these forces of evil.  That battle of course begins with making sure one’s own self is right with God; remains in constant prayer; and is willing to do whatever it takes to win this battle. In other words stop trying to be “nice”.  No one will ever claim victory by being nice. It is time to stand up for God, and stop being "nice".

Being nice is about as profitable as a government entitlement program supposedly designed to help those in need, but instead nice does nothing more than to ensure the needy stay in bondage to a corrupt government. Being nice can take a person down a road of destruction to which there is no return. Being nice can and will result in eternal damnation totally separated from God. After all God is not a nice God. God is not preparing a crown for the nice people. I’m sure that I am not going too far out on a limb when I say “No one nice lives in heaven. Actually, there is nothing nice about heaven. No, God is not a nice God, and Jesus Christ is not a nice savior or intercessor. Nice will destroy your efforts to serve a living God. Nice will get you killed. Nice will send you to Hell.

A couple of years ago or so, Barnhardt filmed a YouTube video of herself explaining what being nice really means. In the process she educated those of us who watched, on just how wrong being nice is. Watch and listen.

And now we have a new video by Michael Voris’ speaking on one of his recent Church Militant videos hammering on the Church’s current leadership and showing his discust with Christians who would rather be nice than be right with God.

Yes, I know, both Ann Barnhardt and Michael Voris are Catholic, and am a Protestant. I also know they read, study, understand and are passionate about God's Word more than most other Catholics or Protestants. As much as I admire these two Catholic laymen sincere desire to turn both the Church and America itself back towards God, I do hold to many of the obvious differences found in Protestant doctrines compared to the doctrines neld by Catholics. Banhardt and Voris both have a unique ability to speak plainly and articulately. I'm sure there are Protestant laymen who do also - there has got to be. I just haven't ran across them yet. When I do I will reference them in my blogs to come.

There is a  Protestant pastor I like to bring to my readers attention from time to time. Now is one of those times. Pastor Doug Giles, a plain spoken an unorthodox speaker, is preaching to a group of men in South Florida.

Those Christians who are waiting on the rapture, rather than standing up against rampant wickedness and powers of darkness currently smothering every righteous aspect of today's American culture, are in the way. They are trying to be nice, but their niceness has put them in the way. If that is you, my brother - my sister, STOP IT. STOP BEING NICE OR GET OUT OF THE WAY. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE JUST GET OUT OF THE WAY!

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Only Cost Too High Is Surrender

Anonymous’ recent comment to my post Chick-fil-A Makes Me Laugh

Looking to the past can bring a lot of things to mind of what I should have done in my own life as well as what the state or country should have done.  But what is your answer to the future? 

Just saying we should fight - fight where?  We should arm ourselves - and shoot who?  We should rebel - starting where and doing what? 

It is easy to see the wrongs of the past, but what we need is solutions for the future, something to build upon.  So if we find a problem we should find a solution too, otherwise it is rhetoric and grumbling, kind of like your stomach growling and nothing tangible to feed it - and as time goes by it gets louder and painful, but unless something is given to be able to digest - its still an unsatisfied hunger growl. 

There are many politicians who speak and do nothing, promises that are not fulfilled and suggestions of things to do knowing full well they will be voted down in the congress, house, or senate but they can say they brought it up.  But - how different are the ones who blog or post or insight others. 

True - most of us want change, but we need an intelligent tangible plan of attack to overcome the obstacles and then a plan b, c, etc. 

Also the plans for retreat, escape and safe houses etc. must be considered if going to battle.  Who does this planning?  Do we get volunteers and meet somewhere and everybody who shows up gets to say what goes on, or do we vote for the ones we feel are the most level headed and who have sound minds and good reasoning ability to lead the attack?  Do only those in the meeting vote or are we also going to open the voting to the ones who are going to be affected or involved but can't make the meeting? 

In the past we rebelled and had a civil war that was all but civil.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans were killed.  What was the reason?

No really - look up the history of why we went to war against our selves - and consider how many people died for that reason.  Was it worth it?  Or could we have just separated and continued on?

When we consider rebellion and civil unrest and government overthrow - consider the cost too.

My reply back to Anonymous:

My point is that if the entire Church would have drawn the line years ago there would be no battle to fight, but the Church didn't and it has now come down to whoever is most prepared to jerk a pistol. Like it or not that day is coming. It doesn't have to be that way. If the Church would finally decide to take back all that has been stolen from it there is a possibility the fight could be done without firing a shot. I point out that being prepared to jerk a pistol and having to actually do it is two totally different things.  You can be sure they will point the gun at anyone unwilling to conform and they will pull the trigger in a heartbeat.
I would be much more encouraged and less harsh if I could see the Church rise up in defense of a something a little more substantive than a chicken sandwich business. It’s strange the Church is willing to spend money at a business establishment just to make a point, but at the same time unwilling to withhold money from a government hell-bent the killing defenseless human lives almost immediately after they have been created by God.

I am not saying we (the Church) should fire the first shot. But we should be involved in civil disobedience on such a very large scale, that the government would both back down and allow sanity to be brought back into government, or they would feel compelled to fire the first shot. Should they do the later rather than the former, I for one will return fire. I am not willing to surrender to islam and neither am I willing to surrender to communism. I have no desire to be a part of a Church who is willing to do either, and I believe neither does Jesus Christ. We as a country have struggled and fought too hard and too long to let a bunch of ungodly bastards order us to accept every sort of unimaginable, evil, and cowardly way of life they can concoct.

This is no longer just a simple exchange of different ideas between political parties. It is no longer just a choice between ideolgies that may be more acceptable to liberals than conservatives or vice versa. I wish that were true, but instead we are now in a struggle between absolute evil and total righteousness. Evil, by its own definition, will kill anything/anyone perceived to be an obstacle in what evil wants to do.

You asked an interesting question about the Civil War and if it was necessary to fight. The answer is found in another question “did the more righteous side win or not.” Had the North not been willing to fight, thousands of slaves would have never received their freedom. (I know the war was officially over states’ rights – a concept I champion, but let’s look at the results.) These are people who had every right to be a free people. Because the North won the war, the door was opened to liberty for all. Last month I had a post, which I highly recommend to anyone who is frozen like the preverbal deer in the headlights, titled Preserving Liberty – The Price Is Always Paid With Blood.  Blood is the currency used to purchase and preserve liberty, and the longer it takes to start making the payment the more costly it becomes.

Where to start, you ask. I have written many posts on my blog outlining some of the things a courageous Church would be doing to ward off all the evil we are being forced to accept. Heres a list of where to begin.

1.     Start having more children as God intended,

2.     stop paying taxes God never intended us to pay,

3.     start educating children in a Christian environment,

4.     stop paying taxes God never intended us to pay,

5.     march by the millions on abortion facilities wherever they operate (I’m saying stand in the door way and prevent any possible chance of a baby being killed),

6.     stop paying taxes God never intended us to pay,

7.     march by the millions against gay marriages,

8.     stop paying taxes God never intended us to pay,

9.     start teaching the Word of God and stop tolerating unholy conduct in the church.

Reviewing the list one might think I am preoccupied with paying taxes. If so, they are thinking wrong. I have repeated the tax thing over and over because it is the thing that is something every God-fearing Christian can do. When this tactic of civil disobedience is exercised by millions of citizens it will bring the government to its senses about as fast as any other type of civil disobedience I could suggest. I can’t think of a more intelligent “tangible plan of attack”.

There will be no plan to retreat, escape or anything of the sort. I do not ask for volunteers. I ask for the Church to stand and be heard. I weigh rebellion, civil unrest and government overthrow against surrender – I have considered the cost, and the only cost too high is surrender.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chick-fil-A Makes Me Laugh

Is this Chick-fil-A controversy where we as Bible believing Christians finally draw the line?
 Probably not. I can’t help but reflect on all of the anti-Biblical reforms on which the Church has not been willing to draw the preverbal line in the sand. Instead the Church seems to have been more than willing to sit on their collective hands, pacifier in mouth and watch for years (decades actually) the un-Constitutional and un-Biblical reforms go unchallenged and one-by-one become the law of the land.

What reforms could I possibly be talking about? Where do I start?

To my knowledge contraception has never been illegal throughout most of the United States, but if it had been it would have become one of the first legal moral issues to fall by the wayside. Law or not, by the wayside it has gone. It was once considered to be a sinful practice for Christians to engage in artificial contraception. And then along came the pill. Yes, that wonderful pill, which allowed we the Church to prevent the births of millions of babies to be born into loving, Bible grounded, God loving homes. This wonderful pill also allowed unmarried fornicators to fornicate at will, without fear of unwanted pregnancies.  Because of this diabolical pill the Church jumped at the chance to stop having children, all for the sake of being able to afford a lifestyle better geared to their own carnal pursuits.

Furthermore, the moral societal foundation of a man and a woman having sexual relations only after becoming husband and wife is now no longer the norm. As a Church we could have drawn a ‘line in the sand’ way back then, but the convenience was just too tempting? After all, contraception was already legal in most locations throughout the United States. So why not go along? Why not sanction contraception? Why not take advantage of contraception?  What harm could there be? For the most part the Church, not only quickly began stepping across the ‘no contraception line in the sand’, but soon quit drawing the line altogether.

When prayer in secular schools became illegal the Church folded like a cheap paper bag vividly demonstrating the sniveling cowards they were; who were more afraid of their government than they were of God Almighty. As cowards they not only did not do what was necessary to put prayer back into the schools, but they made very little effort to remove their children from the godless government funded public school system. The Church was not willing to insist on returning prayer to public schools and even worse they were not willing to remove their children from what has ever increasingly become a cesspool of all sorts of heathen doctrine.

Ah! Then came 1972. Roe vs Wade became the law of the land. Law, not because our elected congressional representatives voted to make it legal to kill our babies, but rather because a wicked court said it was legal to slaughter unborn children at will. Surely, the Church would put a stop to such an horrifically evil practice – you would think. But no, the Church did not do squat, and as a result millions and millions and millions of babies have been legally butchered at the altar of a woman’s right to choose. Furthermore the Church could not even agree to stop paying taxes to a government now sanctioning this leagalization of abortion. Neither was the body of Christ willing to take to the streets with a weapon in hand to be the defender of the most defenseless. Oh yes, a few knuckleheads did try to remedy the situation by taking out an abortion clinic or doctor here and there, but the Church itself (may I repeat myself) did not do squat to save one baby once the decision was made to end its life.

The growing list of moral decadent practices now being entertained, if not outright accepted and promoted by the church, is astounding. One might wonder (if one really cares) whether or not this Church will ever stop its own self-destructive slide into the pit of hellish surrender before it is too late. When will this Church learn to fear God more than they fear “the man”? When will this Church stop supporting a wicked and vile government determined to lead the people of this country over a cliff of complete and total destruction?

I have laugh at the so called ‘line in the sand’ supposedly drawn by some Christians over this Chick-fil-A controversy, as though this time the Church really mean business. My friend, Christians will never really mean business until thy come to understand it is either us or them, baby. Until we see entire congregation’s and entire denominations deciding to lock and load, deciding to take back the streets, deciding to take back the neighborhoods, deciding to take back the institutions and the governments that once made America the most powerful nation the world has ever known, then we will know the Church has once again begun to walk down the road of righteousness. Then, and only then, will I no longer laugh at this “Church” and its feeble efforts to preserve and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After all, one has to wonder how effective we as a Church can be at winning the lost to Christ, when we make no attempt to slow down what has become a fast train to moral decadency; when we cower in fear, complacent to the moral destruction of this country, complacent to the ongoing and unchecked sinfulness surrounding us on every flank.

When one is not willing or not capable of praying their way to a swift and overpowering victory, then they should be willing to take the next step; and that is to fight for what is right. Willing or not, it will soon be "fight or surrender".