Friday, September 16, 2011

Two Recent & Compelling Afghanistan War Stories

Just in case you didn't here, a large truck bomb exploded last week in Afghanistan injuring 77 Americans.  No worries though, 57 just had minor injuries and were able to go back on duty after a short recovery - further anxiety and emotional issues remain unknown. As for the other 20 soldiers their lives have definitely been changed for ever. Their injuries were much more serious.

This question has to be ask anytime any of our service men or women are injured or killed. "Did their sacrifice do anything - anything what-so-ever to bring this war to a victorious ending for our side." The answer, of course, is always the same, "No!" Yet we continue to spill our blood and sacrifice the lives of our finest young people (forget about the cost in billions of dollars) for the sake of Allah. You heard me, "For the sake of Allah!"

Allah will be the winner no mater who physically wins the war (I can assure you it won't be the United States). I say it doesn't matter which Afghans die, the "bad" guys our side is fighting against or the "good" guys supposedly fighting on our side. They all worship at the feet of Allah. They all have one desire and one desire only, and that is to ultimately control the entire world. That is what Allah told them to do, and they will do everything in their power to carry out those commands.

I say to the American people, especially those who call themselves "Born Again Evangelical Conservative Christians", you have no idea what you are doing when you do nothing to put pressure on our leaders in Washington DC to bring a quick end to this war. And worse yet, those of you who outright support the war are walking a fine line with your salvation. Why would any Christian support a war that brings glory to Allah; a war America will never win?

Below I have added a link to an article that reported on the 77 soldiers wounded by the blast. But if you do not have time to click on it and read this article, then it is time to check the condition of your soul.

If you took time to read the article above then scroll on down to the link below, and also read about the Marine who recently won the Medal of Honor. He has done what most people couldn't do, and what those who could probably wouldn't. Marine Corporal  Dakota Meyer: Medal of Honor Recipient.

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