Thursday, September 22, 2011

I Know What You Are Thinking

I know what you are thinking. You are thinking I have this irrational obsession that the evils of Islam could "potential" bring harm to America. You no doubt are thinking this obsession of mine comes from reading and watching too much of an, (though well spoken, but somewhat over-the-top) certain irrational lady herself, Ann Barnhardt.

Let's be honest, you are thinking that I, if not foolishly then at the very least erroneously, think Islam is "the number one problem facing America and the world today". I hear you saying, as I here others all over our country saying, we as Americans have greater worries than Islam, such as unemployment, national deficit, illegal immigration, social security's viability, rising costs of Medicare, just to name a few. 


 YES! Let me break this to you gently, not only is Islam our number one problem, it is far, far out in front of problems number two, three, four,........  (economy, immigration, Obamacare, social security, medicare, deficit, etc.). It is Islam, and only Islam, that is making every effort, at every opportunity to kill Americans. Give them an opportunity and they will kill any infidel they can, at any time. Except for the Israelis, Islam wants most of all to kill American infidels.

Who do you think are right now killing and maiming Americans almost on a daily basis? Have you not read the reports over these past few weeks about how American soldiers and Marines, in the heat of battle, are losing arms, legs, eyes, genitals, and other body parts, at an increasingly alarming rate. More than at any other time in the war. 

Yet, at the same time the body bag count keeps climbing, and would soar even higher except for the fact the corpsman and doctors are increasingly more able, and have better facilities, to save the lives of our wounded warriors. They are able to save their lives, but they cannot save all the parts of their bodies. With that we can proclaim how wonderful it is the number of dead young men and women in this war are not any higher than they are.

Yes, Islam continues to blow apart the best that we have (our finest young people) at an alarming rate; sometimes killing them outright and sometimes "just" sentencing them to a life of coping with disabilities; horrific disabilities they never dreamed in their worst nightmare would be the way they would spend the rest of their lives. All for what?

And this is just a tip of the iceberg - the war is not going to get any better. Our politically hamstrung military are no closer to defeating the enemy today than they were ten years ago. There is absolutely no peace in Afghanistan, and only a temporary (in no way lasting) peace in Iraq.

It is a national shame the amount of dollars (by the billions - close to a trillion), the amount of blood (by the pints, by the gallons (who can even know how many gallons), and the number of lives (now in the thousands) lost because of our two "little" wars in the Middle East. It is a national shame that surpasses the terrible shame we brought onto ourselves only a few decades ago in Viet Nam.

But I digress!

As for Ann Barnhardt, no she is not the only one I read or watch (there are many others), but the majority of the time she is the only one I can find worth quoting. And it doesn't really matter what the subject is, (Islam, social security, Medicare, Christianity, music....... you name it) you can always count on her nailing it with clear concise well informed reasoning.

The politicians of today have no clue as to how to speak to America's overwhelming troubles, not to mention having any meaningful solutions. The preachers and priests across America are no better. Oh, they do have their own "spiritual agenda", but like the politicians, they do not have the guts to agree on what needs to be done. It is just incredible! Ms Barnhardt, as it turns out, is better informed, out thinks, out reasons and out speaks the whole lot of them put together.

Finally, you may be right - I am obsessed with the evils of Islam and the coming wave of terror that will engulf our land (sooner than anyone can imagine). The truth is this wicked snowball from Hell is growing too big and rolling too fast to stop now. To advocate the likes of prayer, education, contacting congressman, or any other nonsensical idea any decent and just (but very ignorant) American politician or clergy seem to be able to come up with are absurd.

Is it just me, or am I really the only one in America who has a grasp of the magnitude of what the Islamic people intend to do to our freedom. I find myself thinking just that, until I read Ann Barnhardt - then I know there is at least one other.
Obsessed? No, I actually don't think you can call it an obsession, but sometimes I do feel like I'm marching to the beat of a different drummer. Thankfully, if it were not for Ms Barnhardt, and maybe a handful of other Americans, I would feel like a lone voice trying to wake up America. I know to be more informed than I am, more articulate than I am, and have far more influence than I do, but even they only sound the alarm. I am the one lone voice willing to speak to the only real answer to the most pressing problem confronting America today, by far.

But do I digress!


In this first post, Ms Barnhardt deals with the stupidity of Islam. It would be very funny. It would be laugh out loud funny, if it weren't so evil, vile, and deadly wicked.

Posted by Ann Barhardt - September 20, AD 2011 8:47 PM MST

Here is a URL to a page explaining what the deal is with "Thursdays" and why Muslim men frequently use Thursdays as their day for homosexual/pedophile sex and orgies. It turns out that Islam, the single STUPIDEST political cult on the planet, teaches that "Allah" inventories and catalogs the deeds on men on Mondays and Thursdays. This is where they get the meme that "Allah is busy" on Thursdays. Riiiiight. If you are rocking a room temperature IQ, that makes perfect sense. Because an all-knowing, all-powerful deity CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH, DAMMIT!

In this second post, Ms Barnhardt tackles the moral collapse taking place in America today. 

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - September 21, AD 2011 10:13 AM MST

The Obama regime has brought the entire planet to critical mass. A triangular imploding collapse appears imminent on the financial front as Keynesian theory coupled with the Cloward-Piven strategy enter their final destructive phase; the military front as Obama’s reformed Islamic Caliphate prepares to finish what Hitler started and undo the victories of Charles Martel at Tours and King Jan Sobieski at Vienna; and the cultural front as marriage has been all but destroyed, sodomy is celebrated, and pedophilia is fast-tracked for normalization and decriminalization.

In the midst of this, Obama the man-myth is also imploding. Democrats and the leftist media, including the editorial page of the Chicago Tribune, are now openly calling for Obama to NOT run for re-election in 2012. On the right there are calls for impeachment, but mostly for Obama’s sound defeat in November 2012. Most people are in total agreement that Obama should be retired to Hawaii, one way or another, no later than January 20, 2013.

I wonder what she meant by "one way or another". After all it is our freedom and liberty that is at stake. Hmmmmmmmmm. I just wonder. 

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