Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's A Matter of Christian Nullification

America has changed - and not for the better. Most citizens do not realize how close they are to losing their freedom. These good people are not ignorant - on the contrary they for the most part keep themselves well informed. They see the decadence that has invaded our country over the last 50 years, but these they insist on behaving like the frog being boiled in water. They have no idea that it is now time to jump before it is too late. The ballot box is no longer a solution - sadly, that is how corrupt the governments of this country have become.

Thus far, those folks currently preparing to jump out of the water are none other than the secessionist, the revolutionaries, and the militants.The Church has not embraced any of the three movements or any other ideology desiring to reinstate the rule of law. The short sighted mind set of the Church seems to be "Lets preach the Gospel; get as many people saved as possible as soon as possible; but not concern ourselves with the preserving of the fundamentals of liberty... because we know God will take care of us, no matter what happens." 

Thankfully that wasn't the attitude of the Pilgrims, nor the founding fathers, nor the spiritual leaders of the 1800's, nor the majority of good American people living in those same time periods in American history. Unfortunately, the situation now calls on those few, willing to jump out of the water, to also be the ones willing to turn off the flame. As it happens, I am convinced the flame will be turned off in the not to distant future; the question is who will be the ones who snuffs out the flame? Will it be the secessionists, the revolutionaries, the militants ... or will it be the Church and those who understand "nullification" to be the better, most effective, and least destructive way to strategically and tactically win our freedom back?

I take some solace in the few thoughtful historians, politicians, and others leading the charge of an ever growing nullification army. Again the question is will that army comprise of only the secessionists, revolutionaries or militants, and not include the Church? The Church needs to keep in mind "to the victor goes the spoils." The new government will most certainly be put into place by whatever group ends up winning the battle; be it the secessionists, or the revolutionists, or the militant. Any new government established, without God, by either of those groups will surely end in tyranny. 

With out the Church being equally involved in the battle, there will be no victory for right thinking, God-fearing American people.  

1 comment:

OTC Prepper said...

I do believe the church will be involved maybe not directly but in the makeup of the men who are prepared to jump out of the boiling water and at least turn the flame down... It's not to late for the church to get involved but I just don't see any movement in that direction...