Friday, September 28, 2012

Innocent Blood Declares The Church To Be Responsible For Financing Legalized Abortion In America

Gospel preaching Churches do not support in any way the law of abortion on demand. That statement - the one I just opened this blog with - is nothing more than a big fat lie.

Most committed Christians, I think it is fair to say, consider abortion to be nothing more than babies sacrificed on the altar of greed. At least if they ever really take the time to think and pray about it (instead of trying to block it out of their minds) the moral position of outlawing abortion would have to be the only Christian choice they could embrace. But unfortunately for the millions of babies who have already been killed, and for the babies yet to be born and intentionally murdered in the days ahead, today's Christians, who stand against abortion, will and in fact do support abortion in the most fundamental way possible. While Christians act as though they are on their soap box begging our government 'please, please stop killing babies', and yet - let me reiterate - and yet... those very Christians are more than happy to send the government the very money necessary to pay the hired killers so they will keep on killing anytime they are ask to do so.

Christians will be the first to point out that the blood of these babies are on the hands of the immoral, godless, degenerate, wicked people who have fought so successfully to make and keep abortion legal in America. It is no surprise these evil people are such strong advocates (throwing all their support behind) such horrific crimes, when one understands who their god is.

What is difficult to understand is why Christians are almost unanimously willing to pay the price demanded for the destruction and elimination of the most innocent and reliant among us. Whatever their reasoning in funding the government in this regard, they remain just as guilty of the slaughter, of the sacrifice of the unborn. The hands of every Christian paying for abortions are absolutely drenched in just as much blood as those who in fact, for the sake of the almighty dollar, pick up the tools of death and use them to perform cold blooded murders. America is no longer a blessed nation and the fault does not lie just with the wicked - after all the wicked are wicked and that is what they do (wicked things) – there will always be forces of evil out to kill and destroy. No, the true fault and guilt lies with all God fearing, Bible believing, born again, Holy Spirit filled, members of the Church who financially support all legalized evil now running rampant throughout what was once "the land of the free".

If the Church would spend as much time fighting against legalized abortion as it does trying to earning the money demanded by the government to pay for the unspeakable crime, abortion on demand would no longer be the law of the land. Almost unanimously the church continues to cower from the IRS as it has done for over the past 40 years of putting babies to death, and doing so for the most trivial, selfish and callus of reasons.

Friday, September 21, 2012

What Did She Just Say?

Check it out:  Ann Barnhardt
Roman Proconsul: “Then do this, old man. Just swear by the spirit of the emperor and that will be sufficient [to prevent your execution].”
St. Polycarp: “If you imagine for a moment that I would do that, then I think you pretend that you don't know who I am. Hear it plainly. I am a Christian.” - BARNHARDT'S FULL OF CRAP. SHE'S JUST BLUFFING. - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 7, AD 2012 4:08 PM MST

How, EXACTLY, can you subscribe to a religion and fail to grasp the most basic, obvious fundamentals of that religion? You people really are in it for the socializing, aren’t you? You don’t give a damn about the theology, the dogma or the TRUTH, you just go to see and be seen, and to be entertained in the most shallow, superficial terms possible. 
...for some unfathomable reason, here I am about to attempt to explain simple, basic, rudimentary concepts to a culture in whom I have just epsilon above zero confidence in, because if I don’t do it, neither Pastor Jeremy at your neo-pagan Superfun Rockband church of the Latter Day Dumbasses™ nor Father Liza-Judy over at Holy Marxist Jazzhands parish will. ON FREEDOM AND A NATION OF PAGAN IDIOTS PART 1 - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 9, AD 2012 10:09 PM MST

What constitutes Justice? Nothing less than the total extermination of the islamic political cult from the face of the earth.  Nothing.   Less


And let's not forget that other tool of satan which has sent every other clergyman pecker-down in the dirt to lick the hooves, wet with the liquid manure of political correctness and the running blood of the unborn, of the federal government in utter submission: the 501(c) exemption. RENDERING UNTO CAESAR (1 OF 3) - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 11, AD 2012 12:11 PM MST

The fact is that every single Christian clergyman should have called for a national tax strike on Sunday, January 28, 1973. Why? Because that was the Sunday after SCOTUS legalized the murder of preborn children. Because of that first moral failure, here we now sit, and it is no one's fault but our own.
Most of you out there apparently have the capacity for delusion that allows you to convince yourself that you will not be made to answer for any of this, but I do not, and for that I can only say “Thanks be to God.” REPOST: RENDERING UNTO CAESAR (3 OF 3) - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 11, AD 2012 11:34 AM MST

The charging of interest is NOT evil or sinful. In fact, interest is utterly essential to a healthy, moral economy. Here's the deal. Money is the device that men use to give value to their capacity to produce - whether that production be the production of a clean toilet in a Burger King by getting down on one's knees and scrubbing the thing with a brush, or the production of a new life-saving drug or revolutionary device. From toilet scrubbing to cars or laptops, it is all production of a good, borne from human drive, energy, action and reason. Further, money is an inherently hopeful and socially unitive thing. Money requires that men trust in each other, and hope in each other's goodness and honesty not just in the present, but also into the future. REPOST: JESUS REJECTS ZIRP. IT'S IN THE BIBLE. 1 - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 18, AD 2012 7:45 PM MST

Because godless Marxist-Communists infiltrated and then eventually overthrew our education system, media and churches, people in this culture are not only "uneducated", they are, if I may be permitted to coin a new term, CONTRA-EDUCATED. "Uneducated" implies that a person has not been presented any information at all. That is somewhat the case, but not the complete case. No. The Marxists who have infiltrated the entire education system, media and churches have been presenting information that was objectively false and evil. They have been teaching children and young adults lies, and discouraging any capacity for logical, reasoned thought. They have created a system whereby lies are fed, and the students are expected to swallow those lies whole and never, ever question them. Pumping students' minds full of lies and discouraging any capacity for independent thought is the DIAMETRICAL OPPOSITE of education. So, people today are not just uneducated, they are indeed CONTRA-EDUCATED. We are not talking a mere absence of the thing, we are talking about the diametrical opposite of the thing. DAVID HACKETT SOUTER & CONTRA-EDUCATION - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 19, AD 2012 11:43 AM MST

Oh, and I still demand that I be arrested and charged with both blasphemy and as an accessory to murder, because, after all, my Arabic-subtitled bacon-bookmarked koran burning video is well over a year old and has had over 665,000 views, with Egypt having the most views. Objective evidence points to me having far, far more culpability in all of this than the morons who made the satirical green-screened clip. But then, I am articulate and heavily armed, so I won't hold my breath waiting for the feds or the "media" to trot me out, because they know full well that I would kick their asses all over the playground. ARREST PETER JACKSON & VIGGO MORTENSEN NOW! - POSTED BY ANN BARNHARDT - SEPTEMBER 17, AD 2012 8:01 PM MST

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Who Cares About the War in Afghanistan?

When discussing a problem, any problem, both parties must determine whether or not they just want to listen to what the other has to say, or are they in fact seeking a solution.

In a matter of a few weeks the United States will have been at war in Afghanistan for eleven years. It will be eleven years of death and destruction endured by both to the Afghan people and coalition military forces.  The war is officially the longest war in the history of the United State. Americans continue to withdraw their support for the continuance of the war by growing numbers. 

Unfortunately, a startling observation in numbers also show that even more Americans actually have no interest in the war, one way or the other. It is those people who consistently show or express very little interest in receiving information about the day to day acts of aggression displayed in the war effort. It is those same citizens who seemingly are not affected by the conduct of the war or any devastating effects as a result of the war. 

The truth is only a very small percentage of the American people have any direct or indirect connection with what has become a never ending conflict. As a result of the lack of any sort of negative war effects on their lives, they give little thought - if any at all- concerning the lives lost and those grievously wounded (not to mention the everlasting scars of battle to those never physically harmed in combat, nor the cost in dollars to which no one would have ever imagined possible eleven years ago).

How long will the American military continue to be asked to sacrifice so much for the sake of doing battle in a wicked country for the purpose of propping up an evil society? It becomes more obvious with every life lost in Afghanistan in not worth our involvement in an effort to protect muslims from other muslims. The price Americans have paid or will continue to pay will never be worth the cost. The United States will never win this war without actually destroying the entire islamic culture. 

In short the United States ultimately will not win this war by fighting it the way it is being fought. As long as the American people ignore the war, the conflict will continue to be mired in an idealist (but false) idea that there exists some moderate muslims who actually can be persuaded to become allies of other non-islamic democratic governments.

There is a solution to the conflict: It is not an unprecedented solution. The solution has been implemented at least one time in recent world history - resulting with amazing success. The action taken previously would be the template for today's victory. Basically the results would be the same; the results would be total domination of the enemy. I have addressed this solution on more than one occasion in past comments posted on this blog. 

So let's review.

Step 1 - Immediately transfer out all military people, government employed people, and other American citizens (willing to leave) of every one of the 57 islamic countries.

Step 2 - Inform all of our allies to do the same.

Step 3 - Once the removal effort had been completed, all 57 islamic countries would be ordered to have their ambassadors report to the United States State Department.

Step 4 - The ambassadors of each perspective islamic country would be ordered, without delay, to surrender all military power and authority and all national assets to the United States of America. The surrender date for each country would then be established.

Step 5 - Among the islamic countries refusing to surrender, a target city or holy site would be eliminated with the pull of a trigger.

Step 6 - Following the destruction of the city or cite, any islamic countries not yet having surrendered would be ordered once again to have their ambassadors report to the United States State Department.

Step 7 - The ambassadors of each perspective islamic country would be ordered, without delay, to surrender all military power and authority and all national assets to the United States of America. The surrender date for each country would then be established.

Step 8 - Among the islamic countries refusing to surrender, a target city or holy site would be eliminated with the pull of a trigger.

Note: The process would continue until every islamic countries (all 57) surrenders to the United States as per the State Departments orders.

Step 9 - All muslims (without exception) living in the United States, citizens or not, would be ordered to leave America.

Step 10 - The practice of islam as an ideology would be outlawed from all United State's states and territories.

These ten steps can be fleshed out, but never watered down. But, as long as American people remain unwilling to impalement all that encompasses in the 10 steps, the real and serious threat of terrorism will remain high and become more probable as time goes forward. Failure to act on the ten steps will unquestionably result in many more Americans, both civilian and military, losing their lives to a threat so easily eliminated.

It seems strange to me, given the islamic uprising in the news this very week (including the murders of high ranking American government officials) coordinated by muslims from islamic countries, that America is more interested in apologizing rather than in destroying. As a result there will continue to be more and more terrorism directed towards any and all infidels in the world wherever they live, work or play.

Recent news articles depict little hope for any sort of victory in any form any time soon if ever:

A Long View of Afghanistan’s Wars
September 13, 2012, 5:00 AM

KABUL, Afghanistan — One of the most troubling things about the national conversation about Afghanistan is that it tends to focus almost solely on the decade since the 2001 American-led invasion.

Forgetting Afghan war, until death brings it home
AP National Writer
Posted: Thursday, Sep. 13, 2012

Staring out the window of his pickup, slowly trailing the hearse bearing his brother's body, Will Copes' eyes blurred with tears. In a few minutes he and his brother would be home, back to a town preoccupied with the first week of school and plans for weekend barbecues. A place far removed from an unrelenting, but all too easily forgotten war. Until now.

Why is the U.S. still in Afghanistan?
By Robert Burns Associated Press
Posted September 11, 2012 at 7:22 p.m.

Why it matters:
Only small numbers of al-Qaida fighters are still in Afghanistan, and their iconic leader, Osama bin Laden, is long dead. But the threat they represent is still the main reason Americans are still fighting and dying there.

The logic goes like this: If U.S. and allied forces were to leave before the Afghans can defend themselves, the Taliban would regain power. And if they were in charge, then al-Qaida would not be far behind.

In that view of what's at stake, al-Qaida would once again have a launchpad for attacks on American soil.
What's often overlooked in that scenario is an answer to this question: Why, after so many years of foreign help, are the Afghans still not capable of self-defense? And who can say when they will get to that point?

War-weary US is numbed to drumbeat of troop deaths
MONDAY, SEP 10, 2012 08:54 AM CDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — It was another week at war in Afghanistan, another string of American casualties, and another collective shrug by a nation weary of a faraway conflict whose hallmark is its grinding inconclusiveness.

Taliban states US forces face "utter defeat" in Afghanistan and warns American are unsafe in the world
AFP September 11, 2012 4:48PM

"The anniversary of 9/11 is approaching America this year at a time when it is facing utter defeat in Afghanistan militarily, politically, economically and in all other facets and it has exhausted all other means through which to prolong its illegal war,'' a statement from the Afghan Taliban, the US-based SITE Intelligence Group said.

The statement, which the Taliban wrote in English and posted on Sunday, goes on to say that the war in Afghanistan "under the pretext of retaliation for the September incident has no legal or ethical'' basis, and that Afghans had "no hand'' in what happened.

Even though the United States has spent "large amounts of military and economical assets'' in the war, "no American is safe in any society today'', the statement says.
The Taliban also vows to defend its homeland and continue with its "sacred struggle'' against "the invaders''.

Washing hands of an embarrassing war
By Simon Tisdall
Published: 00:00 August 30, 2012

The latest killings in Afghanistan are a stark reminder to western leaders of the folly of ignoring the situation in the country.

…these gruesome events, taken together, might sensibly be seen as another urgent warning to neglectful western politicians that their policy of gradual, go-slow withdrawal is rapidly unravelling. It is a warning they may ignore at their peril.

US President Barack Obama and Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron have set a departure date for Nato forces of 2014. But the deteriorating security situation, the rank unreliability or underperformance of large sections of the Afghan army and police, and the fearful persistence of the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban may yet force their hand, turning ragged retreat into slow-motion rout.

Taliban Won’t Win Afghan’s Civil War
MONDAY, 03 SEPTEMBER 2012 11:46      

“A defeatist position (in Afghanistan) is not possible for us. We cannot leave in our underpants...or without any.” That was Mikhail Gorbachev addressing senior Soviet officers in 1987, two years before the Soviets pulled out. Two years before NATO pulls out, the same frantic search is underway for something that could be called a victory, or at least “peace with honour”. Meanwhile, NATO soldiers die, together with many more Afghans.

‘Green-on-Blue’ Attacks in Afghanistan Have Jumped by 10 Per C in Two Years
Submitted by Aurangzeb on September 2, 2012 – 3:47 pm

THE number of so-called “green-on-blue” attacks in Afghanistan has jumped by more than 10 per cent over the last two years as Coalition forces prepare to hand over security duties to their Afghan counterparts in the war-torn nation.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rendering Unto Caesar (repeated)

 “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's” is NOT a release from the First Commandment.

Now let's think logically. The words, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's; and render unto the Lord that which is the Lord's” have as a direct corollary the asking of a question. What is that question?

The question is, what rightfully belongs to Caesar and what rightfully belongs to God? The God part is easy. EVERYTHING belongs to God. Uh-oh. Now we have a mathematical conundrum, don't we? If we believe in God, and we believe in the First Commandment, then “Caesar” is truly OWED nothing. We can CONSENT to pay taxes in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity and freedom, but only if those four specific ends are served by our taxes.

Let's go through each of the four:


Barack Obama is a usurper. He is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the presidency, and he knows this, the entire Congress knows this, the entire upper-echelon of the military knows this, the entire intelligence community knows this, and the SCOTUS knows this. Barack Obama is an enemy of the United States, who is in a state of open, declared war upon it, its constitution and its people. This is the absence of truth. We are being “led” by a human lie, backed by an entire government of oath-breaking liars. Therefore, the government is illegitimate and has forfeited its licitness.


The Rule of Law is effectively dead. From the presence of Obama himself in the White House, to the lawless Department of Justice, to Fast & Furious, to Solyndra, to the unconstitutional “czars” and “executive orders”, to the Federal Reserve, this is a society ruled by a government of men, not laws. When government is ruled by men and not laws, the determining criterion of how government relates to people becomes brute force of arms and violent coercion, and not transcendent truth. We are utterly deprived of justice by the government itself, and thus the federal government has forfeited its legitimacy.


The government is inciting both race-centered, age- centered and class-based antagonism and violence. In declaring pre-born children non-human, a genocide has been legally sanctioned that has cost 50 million lives AND COUNTING. ObamaCare is poised to exterminate the elderly by determining that their lives are not worth living. The government is consciously and expressly trying to break down solidarity amongst citizens along race and class lines, and in that action it forfeits its legitimacy.


From ObamaCare, to the TSA, to the forced acceptance of sexual perversions, to forced “political correctness”, to the overt support of Sharia law and muslim sedition, to the destruction of the Free Exercise and Equal Protection clauses, this government is working consciously and overtly against fundamental human freedom, and has thus forfeited its legitimacy.

1-2-3-4. I don't owe Caesar a damn thing, and it is now to the point where the continued subsidizing of this utterly lawless and illegitimate government puts me in violaton of the

First Commandment (I AM the LORD thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before me.) by forcing me to break God's Law - the Natural Law - in order to follow the laws of the state;

the Second Commandment (Thou shalt not take the Name of the LORD thy God in vain.) by punishing and imprisoning my fellow citizens (See Lakin, LTC Terry) who attempt to uphold their sworn oaths, and by forcing me to subsidize a government that is, to the man, populated by oathbreakers;

the Fourth Commandment (Honor thy father and thy mother.) by actively and consciously destroying the family, discouraging right-ordered marriage through the welfare state, legislating perverted “false marriage” paradigms, facilitating the murder of children by their parents, and pitting society against their parents by encouraging or even mandating euthanasia via ObamaCare;

the Fifth Commandment (Thou shalt not murder.) through the “legally sanctioned” and MANDATED taxpayer subsidizing of the holocaust of preborn children via abortion as well as the premeditated murder of thousands of Mexican civilians via Operation Fast & Furious;

the Sixth Commandment (Thou shalt not commit adultery.) through the forced “legalization” of sodomite faux-marriage and the discouragement of chastity and marriage itself via the HHS contraceptive and sterilization mandate as well as welfare state;

the Seventh Commandment (Thou shalt not steal.) via the government sanctioned, legalized and protected confiscation of private property, the illegal nullification of contracts by the federal government, and the stirring-up by the government of envy and the sense of entitlement to the property of others;

the Eighth Commandment (Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.) by forcing me to subsidize and give my tacit approval to the lie of Barack Obama's presidency and the fundamental dishonesty of the Eric Holder Department of Justice, in addition to the mathematical lies regarding the state of the banking sectors and the mathematical impossibilities of the government run entitlement ponzi schemes;

and the Tenth Commandment (Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods.) by forcing me to subsidize a government that is built on a premise of and is attempting to fully convert to a system based wholly upon coveting the property of one's neighbor and the forced redistribution of private property.

We're batting .800. Enough is enough. You CANNOT subsidize this government and still claim that God is “first” in your life. It is mathematically, metaphysically and morally impossible. You must choose your allegiances NOW. You must NOW choose who or what it is that you truly worship. Do you worship God or do you worship your wealth? Here's a simple litmus test for you: are you or are you not willing to give up all of your wealth in bearing witness to God in His Truth? If the answer is no, then…

If you don't like people speaking the truth to you like this, I'm sure Pastor Jason or Father Liza-Judy will be very happy to lie to you and dry your tears with the rockband playing proudly behind.

If you don't want to take my word for it, that is fine. Here is paragraph 2242 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which specifically cites the Tribute episode as the ratification of civil disobedience:

The citizen is obliged in conscience not to follow the directives of civil authorities when they are contrary to the demands of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons or the teachings of the Gospel. Refusing obedience to civil authorities, when their demands are contrary to those of an upright conscience, finds its justification in the distinction between serving God and serving the political community.
"Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."
"We must obey God rather than men." -CCC 2242 Now to the question of imprisonment and even execution. Again, I can not understand how Christendom has become so monstrously illiterate. “…you can't do any good in prison”, and “leave the pointless martyrdom to the muslims”.
HOW. DARE. YOU. How DARE you piss all over the true Christian Martyrs. How DARE you call their deaths “pointless” and how DARE you equivocate the deaths of these saints to the murderous suicides of pagan musloids. Why don't you turn off your precious TV for a few minutes and actually READ something? Like the biographies of the saints, for example? Or even just the Bible.

Do you not realize that St. Paul wrote a goodly portion of the Epistles from prison?

Do you not realize that St. John the Beloved spent most of his life either in prison or in remote exile?

Do you not realize that eleven of the twelve original apostles were EXECUTED along with St. Paul? (Only John died naturally in old age.)

Why don't you tell me about the massive wastes their lives were. If they had only lain low and watered down the Gospel, they could have lived long lives and “accomplished” so much more. Is that right? Isn't that your argument? Well, why don't you just make that argument for Our Lord while you're at it? There are plenty of leftist pseudo-“theologians” running around saying exactly that. Jesus was a fool to have only led a three year ministry. If He had just been more politically savvy, He could have lived for decades – and then think how much He could have taught the world! The Incarnation really was a waste in terms of earthly accomplishment. Right? RIGHT?

St. John the Baptist: Beheaded

St. Stephen: Stoned

St. James the Great: Beheaded

St. Philip: Crucified

St. Matthew: Impaled on a halberd

St. James the Less: Clubbed to death after crucifixion and stoning

St. Matthias: Beheaded after stoning

St. Andrew: Crucified

St. Mark: Beheaded after being dragged

St. Peter: Crucified upside down

St. Paul: Beheaded

St. Jude: Crucified

St. Bartholomew: Flayed alive and then crucified

St. Thomas: Impaled with a spear

St. Luke: Hanged

St. Simon: Crucified

St. Antipas: Roasted alive

And that is just a few of the more “famous” Christians of the first century, whose deaths history recorded. Please understand that being a Christian was an assumed death sentence for the first several centuries. Thank God that they had real courage and real fortitude and didn't immediately water-down the Gospel into some filthy, narcissistic heresy just so they could stay in the good graces of the governments. Thank God that they actually understood their faith, and didn't regard Jesus as a mere “philosophical construct” or “imaginary friend” and actually acknowledged that He is True God and True Man.

Whether you care to admit this or not, people are responsible for their government. And We The People of the United States of America have perhaps the most personal responsibility for our government than any other nation in history. Why? First, because we are a representative republic founded upon a foundation of Judeo-Christian law and philosophy. This was the best set-up in all of human history, and it also therefore bestowed the most responsibility upon its people for the government itself, up to the very top.

The other reason we are the most culpable nation in history for our government is because we are an armed nation. The people of North Korea, because they were disarmed decades ago, bear less responsibility for their government than we do – but they are still responsible. If the people of North Korea, disarmed and half starved to death, are responsible for their government, how much more are We The People, armed and fed, responsible for the absolute abomination that is our Federal government? This concept of citizen culpability for governance is why it was morally licit to firebomb Dresden, Tokyo and finally drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The civilians of Japan permitted, allowed and cooperated with their government in its wars of aggression during WWII. The same goes for the German people. They could have and should have put down their respective governments – but they didn't and so they paid for it.

The exact same dynamic applies to us. We have let this happen. We have sat by, complacent, impotent and self-absorbed, coveting our personal wealth and possessions above EVERYTHING. And now that there is no denying or escaping what our duty is to God and neighbor, we can only concoct fictions about the omnipotence of the Internal Revenue Service in order to convince ourselves that we aren't to blame, and that we have no duty except to ourselves. Because you refuse to act to correct your lawless government via the most effective, simple and utterly non-violent method, namely a tax strike, you are guaranteeing hot war, bloodshed and catastrophic suffering.

The fact is that every single Christian clergyman should have called for a national tax strike on Sunday, January 28, 1973. Why? Because that was the Sunday after SCOTUS legalized the murder of preborn children. Because of that first moral failure, here we now sit, and it is no one's fault but our own.

I fear God, and God alone, and thus I will render unto Him EVERYTHING, up to and including my wealth, assets, freedom and life, if that is what is required to remain in compliance with His commandments. The early Christians went to their deaths rather than offer a pinch of incense on the altar of Caesar. Incense is merely symbolic and burns away. Money subsidizes, finances and enables activities that break God's law - the Natural Law. Therefore I will not file, and I will not pay income taxes unless and until the Federal Government of the United States is reformed under the Constitution of 1787 as amended, and the Rule of Law is reasserted, necessarily and non-negotiably including the arrest and trial of Barack Obama, and the re-criminalizing of abortion in all cases, or until a new, legitimate government replaces it.

This has been a repost of an edited ARR post dated Nov 16, 2011 that had been a repost of a Nov. 6, 2011 post titled “Rendering unto Caesar”

My view: April 15th 2013 will be when the tale is told. If nothing changes between now and then, I cannot see how any Christian, in good conscience, can file an I.R.S. income tax form for the purpose of complying with Federal Tax Laws.

By change I do not accept Romney being elected. Romney is not our national savior- he is every much the problem as any other socialist. The Republicans are not our national savior – they have proven to be every much as complicit as the Democrats. Neither the parties nor their leaders have God’s blessing on them. The change I refer to is a totally new political party made up of true Christian conservatives -

willing to take all the current socialistic strongholds to the mat;

willing to say enough is enough tolerating a 
lawless government;

willing to declare not one more baby will be slaughtered at the altar of the ungodly;

willing to declare not one same sex marriage will take place in this country;

willing to say today prayer to the one true God and the Pledge of Allegiance will be spoken uninhibited in all schools, school activities, and all government facilities and activities;

willing to stop all government support in the distribution of all contraceptives;

willing to stop the spending of borrowed money;

willing to demand an instant return to the gold standard;

willing to begin a concentrated roll back of all socialist regulations;

will to… etc., etc.,…

If such a party is not in place and actively holding our clerical, political and governmental leader’s feet to the conservative fire in just a matter of months – certainly before 2013 – there is no point to life in these United States except to fight for the liberties of all – or – surrender all of the liberties.

It is increasingly becoming more difficult for me to stand by while fellow Christians continue to support godless local and national governments hell-bent in removing God from every vestige of what was once a god-fearing Judeao/Christian society. We do nothing except repeatedly throwing our support behind the leaders of these government offices. We watch our clergy roll over to the acceptance of every immoral act demanded by the godless people who listen to them.

Christians miss read Romans 13 and inadvertently use it as a road map to travel down a prim rose path to destruction. Anytime godly people use scripture to support their complacency towards evil, one can be sure the results will be death.

The Democrats have lost their soul. No question about that fact. Therefore the responsibility of stopping this wickedness must come from the pulpit of God fearing clergy and the leadership of the God fearing Republicans. If they are not willing to step up, and step up quickly, militia freedom fighters will have to assume that responsibility. Thousands of freedom fighters have been patiently waiting in the wings for Men of God, political leaders of the people, and most of all the Christian people themselves to do the right thing and bring righteousness back to America. Fighters for freedom will not wait much longer - they can't afford to.