Wednesday, September 4, 2013

MILITARY COUP: Get Rid of Democrats, Republicans, and Most Particularly Obama

I never ever thought I would be the one to call for a military coup to overthrow the United States government. Not during the Carter administration, not during the Clinton administration, and not even during the first Obama administration. But the time has come, if there is any hope in keeping America the land of the free.

In the spring of 2008, before the Republican presidential nominee had been selected, I swore I would never vote for the likes of Mitt (make me gag) Romney. Not that I had much political affection for John McCain at the time either, but I still considered myself a Republican. Albeit leaning strongly libertarian; I still claimed the Republican Party as my political party of choice. Thankfully Romney did not get the nomination, but unfortunately McCain did. Disappointed yes, I was very disappointed, but when McCain selected Sarah Palin to be his VP I was on board. My hope was that he would not make it very far through his first term (don’t judge me – if you weren’t thinking the same thing then shame on you) and Sarah would become Commander-in-Chief. Alas, it never happened – McCain ran as lousy of a campaign (in much the same way I feared he would have run the country), and Obama won.

Fast forward to the spring of 2012. Mitt (make-me-gag all over again) Romney ran for the nomination a second time. I made it clear to all my friends, family and anyone else who would listen to me that I would in no way vote to elect Romney as president if he got the nomination. Regretfully, he got the nomination, and I continued to do my very best to discourage anyone I could to not vote for Romney. Their only argument against my position was to get rid of Obama. That was their ONLY argument. In the end, about a week before the election, I agreed that was a valid argument – I too was desperate to do whatever it took to get rid of Obama. My position became I would vote for Romney this one time, but after, win or lose, that I would never gain vote for any Republican or Democrat in future presidential elections. My thought was if the true conservatives in this country did not start a third party (which I would be willing to support the best I could by the way) I was more than prepared to write off this republic … be it through a revolution, a military coup, a secession, or whatever it would take to save America.

Romney lost to Obama; and still there is no serious move by conservatives to break away from Republican Party (a party that is nothing more than “liberal lites” caving in to the party of “liberal darks”). As I feared, the conservative politicians did little to stop any of liberals … other than climb up on a soap box and voice stuff they think might appease their conservative constituents.

Obviously I have no faith in the Democrats to do anything right … nothing. I have also come to the same conclusion about the Republicans. And yet, to say the very least I am DISAPPOINTED with the conservative wing of the Republican Party. So much so I hold out little to no hope that they will attempt to do the right thing and separate themselves from the devil.

A revolution has been my first choice of action, but that is going to take some time to get organized and implement – unfortunately time is short. Secession sounds good, but has many drawbacks and pitfalls. Therefore, because time is of the essence it seems to me the onus has fallen on the United States Military to do the right thing and rescue the United States. Apparently, there are no conservative politicians willing to support such an act.

Hopefully there are some military generals who will do the right thing for America.

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