We are to teach the Gospel to people, and baptize them when they become born again (believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and be baptized in water as a public testimony that they are a child of the King; a Christian. Then it becomes the mature Christians responsibility to teach these newer Christians all the Bible commands us to do and not to do.
The only way to do that is to explain what the Bible states is right and what the Bible states is wrong. We teach new believers, not judge them. As a matter of fact we are not to judge anyone, but we certainly need to judge their actions and conduct. We need to not be afraid to call sin what it is “sin”.
So the question becomes “What do we do when someone doesn’t accept truth of the Bible?” The answer is we walk away. You can pray for them if you wish – God hears all of our prayers, but we can in no way force salvation on to anyone. We teach (share the Gospel with the lost), the Holy Spirit convicts them of their sin, the individual chooses. If they choose to believe we teach them more; if they choose not to believe we leave it alone.
Just as a side note: Preaching the Gospel to the lost is a commandment. Praying for the lost is not. That is not to say we shouldn’t pray for some ones salvation, but there is no commandment to do so. Point being: it the preaching of the Gospel that we are commanded to do. It is convicting power of the Holy Spirit that forces a sinner to choose. It is the sinner who makes the choice.
Jesus said to His disciples, “follow Me”. If they followed Him, then fine. If they didn't that was their choice. Jesus didn't stand around and worry about those who didn't follow, pleading with them to please, please follow Him. He preached, He taught, He said “follow me” and then He went on His way.
As a Christian it is my job (calling) to preach, teach, and live the Gospel … period … not save anyone. For me to follow such a calling I feel compelled to address sin when I see in in myself or in others, and to do the same with righteousness.
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