In Romans 8:1 the Apostle Paul tells the Christians in
Rome “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,
who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”
The inverse to that statement implies that anyone who is
not in Jesus Christ, who does walk after the flesh and
not after the Holy Spirit, remains condemned. The questions then arise, “Why
is that? Why is that those people who are not in Christ are by definition condemned? Didn't Jesus say
God sent Him to the world not to condemn the world but to save the world?”
Paul answers by writing about the law that does
the condemning; once again the implication being it is not Jesus Christ who
condemns. It is the law which condemns every person who chooses not to be in
Jesus. And the reason the law is so full of condemnation is because the law is
powerless to do otherwise. The law has no power over man’s sinful nature.
The good news is that we who are in Christ Jesus do not
live according to our sinful nature, and therefore subject to the law. But because of Jesus, and Jesus alone, all the
condemning requirements of the law have been lifted. As a result, we who are in
Jesus Christ are no longer subject to the law or any of its condemnation. Does that
mean born again Christians can live their lives according to any ole’ carnal
desire that happens to cross their mind? No! Absolutely not! The reason, as
Paul goes on to explain in chapter 8, is that because Christians are in
Christ Jesus they in deed live according to the Holy Spirit and not according to the law (not
according to their carnal desires).
Anyone who chooses to live their life not
according to the Holy Spirit is in fact living according to their sinful nature. It
is always one or the other. When we take that thought to the next step, it can
only concluded that by living a life according to one’s own sinful nature
(carnal desires) we are not in Christ Jesus. And once again, if we are not in
Christ Jesus, we are subject to a powerless law - a law that only condemns.
Anyone who lives according to the powerless law has
their minds set not on the desires of the Holy Spirit, but rather on their carnal desires. That
sinful mindset will always lead to condemnation, which is death (an eternal
separation from God the Father). There is no life or peace for the man who
lives according to the law. There is no life or peace for such a man living here in this world, and
certainly not in the world to come. Why is that?
We know anyone who is not in Christ Jesus is subject to
the law. Paul goes on to make it clear, that in addition to being under the law, the same man is considered by God to be hostile to God. Those men subjected to the
law do not, will not, and if fact cannot submit their lives to God’s law. They
cannot do so because they are controlled by their sinful nature, a sinful nature which is and will always be uncontrollable by the law. According to Paul anyone living their life in line
with the law is not in Christ Jesus, and therefore does not please God. Later
in the chapter Paul goes on to say in essence that anyone who does not please
God, because they continue to choose to live subject to the law, they will
certainly die (be eternally separated from the love of God).
For those of us choosing to reject the law, who choose
to remain in Christ Jesus and therefore be led by the Spirit of God are called the
sons of God. Because of that very son ship we needs no longer be a slave to
fear. Why is that? Because anyone led by the Spirit can call out to God by His
name; “Abba, Father”.
We who choose to be in Christ Jesus, choose to be
led by the Holy Spirit, and choose to be a son of God, become eligible to receive, from
God our Father, an inheritance along with Christ. We, who choose to reject the
powerless law will always condemn us, need to live in fear no longer. Under the law fear abounds; in Christ Jesus there is no fear. When it comes to fear, no matter
the gravity of the situation, I like to ask myself this question, “What is the
worst thing that can happen?” “No matter the situation (no matter the finance
issues, no matter the health issues, no matter the relationship issues, no
matter what my concerns might be) I have learned to answer that question with
this statement of truth, “God is Good, He is Good all the time, He is Good no
matter what happens, and no matter what happens God is always in control.”
That answer, to the “What is the worst thing that can
happen?” question, helps allow me to look forward to my sharing in the sufferings of Jesus,
knowing full well I will ultimately share in His glory. I take that promise to
the bank!
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