Thursday, December 20, 2012

America: Willingly Decayed To Its Own Death

 Exodus 21:22-23

If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,

One need go no further than Exodus 21:22-23 to understand how it is America not only lost its way - but is in fact now dead in the water - the last gasp for breath occurred in November 2012. America is dead – it is now nothing more than a dead country floating in a sea of unimaginable iniquity. Incredibly, this once great and godly country has willingly decayed to its own death. Sharks love decaying flesh, and the sharks are circling - the corpse is about to be devoured. That is the bad news. 

The good news is the church, on the other hand, (the Bride of Christ), will ultimately survive. We know from God’s Word Jesus will return for a Bride. The Bride will survive, not because it deserves to survive, - at least not in the eyes of man - but survives because God has already forgiven His chosen people (as difficult as that is to imagine). The forgiveness God makes available to the Church - as He does for the world at large - is available for the taking, but the taking requires a true repentance. A repentance of the heart; a repentance of deed. And therein lays the rub – with both the Church and the world.

My hope is for those of us who have a real desire to be included as a part of the Bride, will soon come to the realization of our need for repentance. In doing so, we sincerely repent of our apathy towards both the righteousness of our God, and also of the destructive unrighteousness allowed to overtime kill America – unrighteousness allowed to kill America while the Church watched. 

When we as individuals, and the Church as a whole, do repent of this terrible sin, it is my sincere belief, we the - the Bride of Christ, will be given a second chance to establish a new country; a country, once again, hungry to serve and trust the one true God. A country built on a solid Biblical foundation; a country free from tyranny. A country free to worship God or not, but yet a country unashamedly founded on the teachings of the God’s Holy Word. A new America.

I believe this new America, a new America blessed by God, is well within the grasp of the surviving Bride of Christ. Let those of us who love the LORD not miss such a great and wonderful opportunity - let us repent - let us experience what God can do.

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