Tuesday, January 3, 2012

May They Prosper Who Love You.

Not often, but once every now and then, a news headline literally makes me angry. This morning a Reuters’ headline read Iran threatens U.S. Navy as sanctions hit economy. Iran can be thankful, that some no nonsense guy like me, is not the Commander in Chief of the United States military. If I were, I would immediately turn the USS Stennis around so fast it would create a tsunami in the Gulf of Oman. The ship would then be ordered to sail back through the Straights of Homuz prepared to demonstrate the U.S. Navy’s fire power to the max. Incoming fire would not cease until Mahmoud Ahmadinejad begged the Americans for mercy. Islam would be put on notice: “If you mess with America, you will be dead.” Death will no longer come in a ten year war. Death will be instant!

Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you. 

The Bible tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I agree. I also believe, if all we do is pray, Israel will never live in peace. On the other hand, if the peace of Israel is truly important to us, let us be a Jerusalem hero and start supporting the swift defeat and total submission of all Islamic countries and organizations. I say get right with God and go to war against Islam with ALL the military might in our arsenal. There is no peace; there has not been piece between the Jewish people and the Arabs for thousands of years! Either Bible believers have not been praying, or else God expects more than prayer from Israel’s allies. I say “Wake up America, and do what is right, while you still can.” I know of no other way to squander military power than to not fight for the LORD in defense of Israel. 

There never will be peace as long as Islam is allowed to empower themselves by using the misguided Western politics of multiculturalism to their advantage, and the outrageous (on many levels) oil revenues to finance their war machine. Israel will never be out from under the gun as long as Islam is permitted to raise Hell throughout the world – be it in Syria, Libya, Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, the Straights of Hormuz, Gaza, Afghanistan, Iraq, or anywhere else in the world - including the so called Free World.

Islam needs to be crushed, and all the world leaders know it, or should know it.  But, because of the evil multiculturalism, the political correctness, and the “can't we all just get along” garbage running rampant in the free world, nothing has been done to stop all the hideously cruel pain and suffering being inflicted every day on billions of people throughout the world.

They continue to support everything from the mutilation of their own people, to the all out murder of infidels on a very large scale. Does anyone really think those dedicated to the warmongering Islamic ideologies will every stop trying to eliminate the infidel? Any right thinking person, who has a good understanding of Islam, knows Islam will never pass up a chance, at anytime and anywhere, to rein terror on all peace seeking people (infidels).

These killers have climbed to the highest mountain and literally screamed in a absolute deafening voice “We are going to kill the Jews, and kill those who supports them. We are going to bring Shari Law to every country, region, local, and city on earth.” They scream it loud and clear, and yet our Chamberlainly cloned leaders remain too cowardly or stupid (I’m not sure which), to muster up the necessary force required to eliminate this utter evil. 

I reiterate, I would turn around the USS Stennis, now sailing in the Gulf Orman, and sail it right back into the Straits of Hormuz. Call Islam’s bluff. We all know they are cowards. Call their bluff! Should they happen to muster up the courage needed to engage our navy, then we take the action necessary, not to just retaliate, but to send a message throughout all of Islam. The message needs to be, “The time has come for those of us in the West is to no longer be the sickening pacifists we have been up to this point.” The message should be loud and clear. “You shoot at us and we will literally level the ground you stand on.”

It is only the revelation of Jesus Christ that will change a Muslims heart on an individual basis. If Americans actually believe that a conversion of the Islamic ideology is going to happen on a large scale any time soon, then we should just lay down our arms and patiently wait for the LORD to work in our behalf? We know beyond a shadow of a doubt they are not going to have a change of heart. This hatred for the Jews has been going on for eight-hundred years, for crying out loud! Only a crushing defeat will stop the evil, and only then will Israel be allowed to live in peace.

If we are resigned to thinking the events of this world are nothing more than the Biblical end times, then let us do one of two things: One – completely stand down our defenses and let Islam run rampant – (after all it is the end times, so how long can it last and what difference does it make.) or Two – make every effort to defeat the enemy, even if it means bringing the end times to fruition quicker than the Almighty ever intended. (The truth is only He knows – we do not.)

As Americans we will deserve what we get - end times or no end times. If we are not willing to fight and destroy this evil enemy wherever and whenever we find it, we do not deserve to be free, nor do we deserve to be safe, nor do we deserve to be blessed by God. 

God help us!!!

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