… I want to explain why exactly it is
that the Marxist-homosexualist infiltrators of the Church have had as one of
their top-tier objectives the emasculation and castration of Jesus Christ –
specifically the minimizing and outright denial of Christ’s nature as the Judge
of mankind.
Starting with the easiest target first,
Superfun Rockband church™. To call a
group of people who worship themselves and their capacity for self-reverential
“entertainment” “Christian” is becoming increasingly difficult when the
objective evidence points to these suburban blights as being neo-paganism in
every regard. Where is the altar? There isn’t one. Where is there a Cross? There
are no crosses. When is any reference
made to Christ’s sacrifice in propitiation and perfect atonement for the sins
of the world, including the sins of the latte-sipping dolts sitting in
their reclining, triple-cushioned theater-style seats? Where are there any references to personal sin? Where are there any
references to objective Truth? There are none – there is only “your truth and
my truth”, “How I FEEEEL”, and then
notion of Christ as the Fearsome Judge of Man is as foreign to these people as
the concepts of reverence, solemnity and humility before God. The Enemy notched
Superfun Rockband church™ on his “victory” column years and years ago. Satan’s only objective now is to get
Superfun Rockband church™ to grow and suck in as many poor sinners as possible –
but the paradigmatic damage is already fully accomplished.
Next up is the infiltrated, and likely
soon-to-schism Catholic Church. Soon-to-schism? Yep. Very much like the
Anglican schism under Henry VIII in England 500 years ago, it appears likely
that the Catholic Church in the United
States will schism from the See of Peter in Rome and will become a client of
the regime in Washington, complete with “gay marriage”, female priests,
ratified contraception and abortion and every other form of evil imaginable
celebrated under the banner of “tolerance” and “inclusiveness”. The Roman
Catholic Church remaining in the U.S. will then be forced underground by means
of property confiscation, civil rights litigation, and finally criminal
litigation. Before this is over, Roman Catholics (as opposed to the new
“American catholics”) will be openly killed ON THIS CONTINENT.
There’s a name
for that. It’s called GENOCIDE, and it is coming. Mark my words.
Marxist-homosexualist infiltration of the Church has already set the stage for
this schism, and the brain-dead Catholics are primed for it. Priests have all but abandoned the
Sacrament of Confession, or Penance. In the last two months alone, I have
had to personally correct TWO priests, one in person and one in writing, who
expressly denied that the Sacrament of Confession was in any way necessary and
thus could be totally dismissed. The scary part is that both of these priests
would be considered “conservative” in the spectrum of the post-Vatican II Novus
Ordo (Mass in English facing the people) wing of the Church.
The point of this is, like Superfun
Rockband church™, everything is being done to convince people that the only sin
is “intolerance” and that Jesus is an effete, passive mascot who only wants to
“slobber us with kisses.” You know, kind of like your pet dog who you had
neutered last year. That’s how these demons want you to regard the Sovereign
King of the Universe, Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Judge – as a stupid,
ball-less dog who will “slobber you with kisses” if you just deign to pat Him
on the head every now and then.
Now for the punchline in all of this.
Why does this matter? Why are Marxsits
and homosexualists so massively invested in obscuring and denying the role of
Christ as the Fearsome Judge of Mankind?
Because the Marxists and homosexualists want you to fear NOT GOD, but fear ONLY THE
A man who fears God
Fear of the Lord has GOT TO GO.
Let’s get pragmatic, folks. You know that this government is no longer in any way
legitimate. You know that Obama is himself illegitimate and that the
Constitution has been completely overthrown and discarded. You know that the
regime in Washington is evil and is now MANDATING that you participate in,
cooperate with, and SUBSIDIZE pure abject evil, not the least of which is the
slaughter of unwanted children. You know this. And yet, I am
probably the only person you know that has publically declared a tax strike.
Why? Well, for you bloggers, look at your comment threads whenever you post
anything I write. “That chick is nuts. The IRS is going to put her in prison, or the DHS is going
to pay her a “visit” one of these days, and they’ll find her dead in her
bathtub. I don’t think she knows what she is getting herself into.”
fact of the matter is that I possess the far superior clarity of thought. Why?
Because I FEAR GOD.
The fear of the Lord is the
of wisdom: and the knowledge of the
holy is prudence. Proverbs 9:10
I fear His Judgement. I fear the moment of having to
look into
His eyes as He hangs skinned and
experience the full force of the pain that I have
caused Him by my BETRAYAL of
Him. It just so
happens that now, in this time, submission to
the evil state, borne from a greater fear of the
state than of
Christ has been reduced to a slobbering,
castrated pet dog, and not the Just
Judge of
Sinners, then the ONLY thing that people will
fear will be the state. There won’t even be
a tension in the minds of the people. People will do anything that the state
tells them to do not only because they fear the wrath of the IRS or other
government arm, but also because they
have been convinced that they can
betray God without limit, and like a stupid,
abused dog, Jesus will “slobber them with
kisses” while they make the
CONSIDERED DECISION to beat the shit out of
Him and nail Him to the
Cross at the explicit
command of the state. They will do this
because they fear exclusively
the wrath
Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Ask any Christian you know today if they are willing to declare and enjoin a
tax strike against the government, and you will see that the state is feared
completely, and that Fear of the Lord
has been utterly purged from the ranks of the
Church Militant.
An army that completely fears its enemy, and has no fear or
respect for its own supreme commander or his orders will be defeated.
The only thing that the people of the
United States, from the "devout" Christian (including the vast, vast
majority of priests and bishops) to the neo-pagan Superfun Rockband church™
denizen to the atheist, fear is the Internal Revenue Service and the Department
of Homeland Security. If the state
says, “pay for abortions, or else”, the people will do it, and to hell with the
stupid, slobbering, impotent Jesus. If the state says, “Sodomy is normal and
good, and you will celebrate it, or else”, the people will do it and to hell
with the stupid, slobbering, impotent Jesus. I can beat the shit out of Jesus,
and He will never do anything but "slobber me with kisses." I don’t
even have to say “sorry.” Father said so in his homily last Sunday. He
even put it in the bulletin.
Unless and until this highly disordered condition is corrected and Fear of the Lord reclaims supremacy in the hearts of men, there is NO HOPE for this
nation. None.